Chapter 12

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It's Christmas Day and me and Draco had a day planned out. We were going to Hogsmeade and we were just going to have a good time together.

I saw Harold fly in with a note in his beak. I opened the note:

Ready? x

I grabbed some parchment and scribbled a quick reply:

I bet I'll beat you to the enterance x

I sent Harold on his way, and I grabbed my coat, gloves and hat, and ran down to the enterance, but when I got there, Draco was already there.

When he saw me, he took my coat, and put it on me, like a gentleman. I smiled at him, and then I put my gloves and hat on. He had his hat on and he looked quite cute.

We walked to Hogsmeade through the snow, and we sat in the Three Broomsticks, and had a Butterbeer each. Draco chose a table for two in corner, so we could have some time to ourselves before mingling with a crowd of people.

"Thank you for this Draco" I said, after taking a sip of my drink.

"It's Christmas, we should be able to spend time together" he replied.

"Is that was this is then? Time?" I asked, with a smirk on my face.

He was sat across from me, so he was able to look right into my brown eyes, I looked into in his grey ones. He took my right hand in this left hand, and placed his free hand on top.

"It's a date" he simply said.

Once we'd finished our drinks, we looked around some shops. We went into a jewellery shop, and I looked at a couple of necklaces. There was one that had a green gem in a silver case, on a silver chain, and it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

There was another necklace that was the exact same as my mothers. It was a gold necklace with multiple deep purple crystals dangling off of the chain.

I really wish I could see my parents today, but that would mean leaving Draco just after getting together. And if I left, then I wouldn't be able to check on him, making sure that he was okay after he was hit with a curse from my ex.

"Shall we leave?" I asked Draco, but he wasn't next to me.

I didn't know where he was, so I decided to look outside. I looked up and down the street, but there were groups of people blocking my view.

"Merry Christmas" someone whispered into my ear, as something was placed around my neck.

I looked down and noticed that it was the green necklace that I was looking at. Then, I turned around and Draco was there, holding the box that the necklace came in.

"Have you noticed the colour?" he asked me and I looked down again.

"Slytherin green" we both said at the same time.

We laughed with each other and then I threw my arms around his neck, and he burried his face into mine.

"I love it, thank you" I said, and he snaked his arms around my waist, and pulled me in closer to him.

"You're a Slytherin now Noelle" Draco said, and we pulled away from each other.

"A true Slytherin" I added.

Draco took my hand, and linked his fingers with my own, and we walked up the street. That was when I saw Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny.

I fiddled with my necklace, to show Harry that I was now part of Slytherin and he looked pained. Hermione looked worried. Ginny looked amused and Ron? He just looked like Ron.

"Hello there Potter" Malfoy spat, and we stopped.

Harry and his group stopped as well.

"Malfoy" Harry hissed.

He moved Ginny out of the way, and as Draco tried to move me, I refused. I stood by his side and he put his arm around my back, and pulled me so close, that I had to stand side ways, into him.

"I see you have her wrapped around your little finger?" Harry said, glancing at my necklace.

"She's a Slytherin. You lost her when you left her sat out in the cold for a Weaslette. You were begging when you saw her at the Christmas party. You wanted her back-" Malfoy said, and then I shuffled forward, out of Draco's grasp.

"And I bet you didn't tell Ginny did you?" I asked, loud enough for Ginny to hear.

"Tell me what Harry?" she asked, coming closer to us.

I stood and smirked, as Draco put his arm around my waist.

"As soon as you saw me at Slughorn's party, with my Draco, you came over and begged for me back" I said and Draco chuckled.

Ginny's face dropped, and she walked away. Hermione was stunned and Ron's face was a lovely shade of red. Not red with embarrassment, but red with anger, and rage. His blood was boiling.

"Come Noelle" Draco said, and we walked away from them.

Draco took my hand again, and we walked into Honeydukes. I looked around and saw all the soft sweets, and the hard boiled sweets.

"I'm gonna look around" I said and Draco nodded, walking away.

I was thinking of what to get. I saw some chocolate frogs, so I picked up four; two for me and two for Draco. Then, Draco came bag over holding a paper bag. I looked inside.

"Chestnuts that roasted on an open fire" he said and I grinned.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Everyone likes them" he replied and he handed me the bag.

"Do you not want any?" I asked and he shook his head.

"But I've not gotten you anything!" I exclaimed and Draco chuckled.

"You give me everything. You give me love, and friendship, and honesty. You gave me your heart to heal, and hopefully I am healing it" he said and I cuddled into him.

I snaked my arms around his back, and he put an arm around my shoulder, and rested his chin on my head. He pulled me close and I could hear his heart beating rapidly.

"Your heart is racing" I said.

"I'm with you" was all he said.

I had gotten Draco completely wrong. I cannot believe that the whole evil thing was a mask to cover up his true self.

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