Chapter 10

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So, it's Slughorn's party in an hour, and I was sat on my bed reading a book whilst Hermione was doing my hair. I sure hope that all the brushing and tugging was worth it.

"Will you please tell me who you're going with?" Hermione asked and I chuckled.

"You can ask as many times as you want, and the answer is still no" I replied and she sighed.

"He better be worth it" she said.

Then, I drifted away into my thoughts. I hope that Draco is worth it too. But then again, I can't wait to see the look on Harry's face when he sees me, on Draco's arm, wearing the dress and heels, and with the updo, and the make up. He will definitely be speechless.

"All I can tell you is that it's gonna be a show stopper" I said and Hermione laughed.

--Draco's POV--

Okay Draco...


You have thirty minutes to wash and dress, and be at the bottom of the staircase to greet Noelle.

I have to look my best, because no doubt, Noelle will. I bet she will look priceless, and absolutely stunning. But then again, I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard, otherwise people will think I'm soft.

I don't know if I can do this...

But I can't leave Noelle...

I think I'm starting to like her...

With that thought stuck in my head, I washed and dressed in black suit trousers, a white shirt, and a black blazer, with a thin, black tie. My bleach blonde hair was soft and sort of hanging to one side. I had my top button done up, and my tie was push all the way to the top. My shoes were newly polished, so they were incredibly shiny.

But I just couldn't wait to see Noelle at the top of them stairs...

--Noelle's POV--

I put on my heels and noticed that the dress grazed the floor. Good, I'm glad that my toes were covered. I put on some mascara, which made my eyelashes look really long, and some clear lip gloss to make my lips sparkle, like my dress.

I had told Hermione to leave, so that I could be alone when I met Draco. I couldn't wait to see him, at the bottom of the stairs, hopefully wearing a suit. I couldn't wait for Harry to see me either. I just wanted tonight to go perfect.

Finally, I left the common room, and slowly walked towards the stairs, but I stopped just before. What if Draco wasn't there to meet me? I would be so embarrassed if he stood me up...

--Draco's POV--

I heard footsteps.

Is that Noelle?

The warm feeling was back.

Okay Draco, you know you like this girl, so why don't you just ask her out, in the middle of the room, for everyone to hear? To make everyone jealous that a beautiful girl like Noelle would be yours.

I know she's just gone through heart break, but I wanted to be the man to take that away from her. I wanted to be the man to heal her...

There she is...


--Noelle's POV--


He's here.

He's actually here, in a suit, at the bottom of the stairs. He looked up at me and his eyes went wide. They were nearly popping out of their sockets. I also noticed that his mouth had dropped slightly.

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