Chapter 2

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I was woken by Harry tapping me on the shoulder.

"Huh?" I said, sleepily.

"I need to go and do something" he said and I unlinked my arm with his, and he left the cabin.

I sat upright whilst I watched Harry leave. He smiled at me before disappearing towards the direction in which Draco was.

Then, I noticed the train had finally arrived at Hogwarts, but there was still no sign of Harry. Hermione picked up her book, and left the cabin, so Ron and I followed closely. Before she stepped off the train, Hermione turned to look at me and Ron.

"Where's Harry?" she said and they both looked at me.

I shrugged my shoulders, so Ron decided to speak up.

"He's probably already on the platform" Ron said, so we got off the train and walked to the exit of the platform.

It was dark out, so Ron, Hermione and I made sure that we stayed close together, like a pack. We arrived at the gate to see numerous black carriages, and Professor Flitwick with a few pieces of parchment.

"Names" Flitwick said.

"Ron Weasley"

"Hermione Granger"

"Noelle Jameson"

Once Flitwick had taken our names, we got into a carriage, and I sat on my hands, with one leg crossed over the other. Ron was leaning on the side, looking out of the window. Hermione was back to reading her book.

I couldn't wait to get back to Hogwarts, and be sat on the Gryffindor table with the rest of our friends, like Ginny, Dean and Neville.

As the carriage approached the castle, Hermione closed her book, and put it in her robe pocket. I was happy to be back here; a place full of magic and danger. It kept me on my toes, but it was worth the thrill.

We entered the great hall, to see other witches and wizards sat at their house tables. I saw the new First Years stood around Professor McGonagal, at the front of the hall, waiting for the sorting hat to place them into their houses.

Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Dean, Neville, myself and a few of our other friends sat in the middle, still waiting in Harry's arrival.

"Ravenclaw!" I heard the hat say, whilst on top of a small blonde haired girl's head.

I looked over and saw her bounce off to the Ravenclaw table. I smiled, remembering how that was me and my friends, apart from Ginny, six years ago. Bless Ginny, that was her five years ago.


"Will you stop eating? Your best friend is missing!" I heard Hermione say.

I chuckled at Ron's shocked expression, and his open mouth full of food. What a disgusting person.

"Turn around you bloody idiot" Ron said, carrying on eating his food.

"He's covered in blood again. Why is he always covered in blood?" Ginny said.

She was right. Harry was walking towards us, holding a blooded rag to his nose.

"It seems to be his own" Hermione said and he sat down next to me, with Ginny on his right hand side.

But then Malfoy walked in, so I knew for a fact that he had something to do with Harry's bloody nose. Malfoy was staring at me as he walked past, making sure to analyse my face, trying to read my emotion. Hopefully, he got that I was angry at him. Well, not just angry, but absolutely raging.

I glanced at him, and he sort of winced when he looked into my brown eyes, obviously knowing. But the pain lasted seconds, because after he turned into his normal, arrogant self.

He took a seat inbetween Parkinson and some other Slytherin, and opposite Crabbe and Goyle. When he saw them eating, he looked at them in a disgusted manor.

I brought my attention back to my fellow Gryffindors, and I noticed that Ginny was holding Harry's blooded rag to his nose. I looked at them both, and Ginny noticed, so she handed Harry the rag back. Then, he kissed my cheek. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me.

I cannot believe Ginny. She knows that Harry and I are together, so why is she doing this? Why is she getting too close to him. I see the way she looks at him, and it's in the same way that I look at him. Then, sometimes, I see the way that he looks at her. It's the same look that he's given me for the past year.

I rolled my eyes at the thought, and Harry shuffled closer, placing his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side.


I noticed that Draco was staring at us, and he slammed his fist into the dark wooden table. Everyone turned around and looked at him. His face was paler than usual, meaning he was raging about something.

He stood up, and left the hall; all eyes following him. Then, he had a Pansy following him, which obviously is what he needs right now.

--Draco's POV--

Why is she following me? She is the reason I left the stupid hall in the first place. Pansy will not leave me alone, and all I want right now, is a bit of time to myself.

I need to think. I have things on my mind. And I don't need her following me all of the bloody time!

"Draco?" she said.

I turned around to see her brown hair tied up, with bits of hair falling out in places. She was batting her eyelashes at me.

"Leave me, Pansy" I said, and that was when she came closer to me.

"But, we can have some time together" she said, walking around me, her hand on my back.

As soothing as that was, I had something that I needed to do, and I don't need any distractions.

"Maybe another time" I said, removing her hand from my back, and walking away, leaving her alone.

The Dark Lord chose me for this, so I need to do it. Obviously, Snape knows, and the Dark Lord's followers, but that's it. Nobody in this doghouse knows, and I'm glad of it.

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