Chapter 4

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"Dumbledore wants you to spy on Slughorn?" Ron said.

He was as shocked as the rest of us were.

"No, he just wants me to get to know him, because he has something that Dumbledore wants" Harry replied.

"So how do you plan to do this?" Hermione asked.

"Well he's holding a dinner party next friday evening, and he said that you're welcome to come along" Harry said, meaning Hermione. "And you as well Ginny"



Brilliant. Just brilliant.

I couldn't believe this. Why does Ginny get to be at Slughorn's dinner party and not me?

"Ginny, we could go as friends, if you want?" Harry said, and Ginny smirked.

"I'd love that" she said, quietly.

That was when I left the common room. Not to go and get back into bed, but I left it to go for a walk before breakfast.

I walked down the hall, smoothing my robes down, not looking where I was going, and CRASH.

"Watch it Jameson" the cold voice spat.

I looked up to see Malfoy.

"I'm sorry Draco, I wasn't watching where I was going" I said, keeping my head down.

I was about to walk off, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the side.

"Something troubling you?" he asked.

"Why are you being so nice?" I asked.

"You answer my question and I'll answer yours" he said, through the recognisable Malfoy smirk.

"Well, I feel that I'm losing my relationship because of Ginny Weasley" I explain, and then I looked at Draco who actually looked like he was sympathising.

"Sorry to hear that, as much as I don't like Potter, he seems to make you happy" he said.

His niceness was scaring me. I could feel my eyes widen, and I could see a small blush becoming visable on Draco's pale face.

"Your turn to answer my question" I said and he smirked.

"I'm being nice because I can be" he said.

I shrugged my shoulders, not being able to think of a reply to his answer.

"Where are you going?" he asked and I looked around.

"I don't know, I'm just taking a walk before breakfast. I needed to get out of that situation" I said and Draco nodded.

I looked to the side, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see Draco studying me. I looked at him and he quickly turned his head to look anywhere else but at me.

I shuffled on my feet and decided to break the silence.

"You could come with me? But that's only if you want to" I said and Draco smirked.

"I'm known for hating Gryffindors" he said and I nodded.

"I said if you wan-"

"But who says I didn't want to?" Draco interrupted me.

We decided to walk towards Hagrid's hut, but obviously Draco didn't want to go to to close, because of his reputation.

Instead, Draco suggested that we sit on the concrete near one of the enterances to the castle. It was chilly out, so I was glad that I had a jumper on, as well as a tshirt.

Draco was dressed in his all black suit, and I had to say that he looked very smart indeed.

"Why are you even with Potter?" Draco asked, rubbing his hands together to keep them warm.

"I love him" I said, and Draco rolled his eyes.

"I'm not that stupid, but what made you fall in love?" he asked.

I've never been asked that question before, and I didn't think that the first time I'd be asked it, would be from the Draco Malfoy. I was highly confused.

"He cares for me, he makes me happy, he makes me laugh" I said, and he chuckled.

"And obviously Weaslette thinks the same" he said and I looked down to my lap.

I started playing with my cold fingers, using that as my own way of keeping my hands warm.

"Obviously" I whispered.

When Slughorn's dinner party came round, Harry was dressed in a suit, and Hermione had a dress on, that was a beautiful shade of green. Ginny, on the other hand, was wearing a maroon coloured dress.

Harry and Hermione left, because Ginny insisted that they did, so she could talk to Dean. It turns out that they're dating, yet she's batting her eyelashes at Harry all of the time.

So, instead of sitting in the common room with Ginny and Dean, I went up to my dorm, that I was sharing with Hermione and a few other girls. That was when I notice an owl, perching by the open window, but it had a piece of parchment in its mouth.

It was my owl, Harold. I shrugged my shoulders and went over to Harold, taking the parchment from his mouth. I opened it and sat on my bed.

Same place as 4 days ago



Why would Draco want to see me? Well, I may as well find out.

I changed out of my grey pyjama bottoms, and my long sleived black top, and put on some black skinny jeans, a burgandy jumper and a pair of black slip on flats.

I stuffed Draco's note in my back pocket, so no one would find it. I then snuck into Harry's room, and took his invisability cloak. I'll return it when I get back.

Finally, I put the cloak round me, and went back down the the common room, to see that Ginny and Dean were still there. However, Ginny was crying, and Dean was screaming at her.

I wanted to stick up for the poor girl, but I had to meet Draco.

Okay, I never thought I'd be thinking that in my entire life...

I left the common room, and practically ran to our meeting point. I saw Draco sat there, picking at his fingernails. He could sense something was there, so he reached out and snatched the cloak from my body, and smirked.

"Not very convincing Jameson" he said, and I took the cloak from him.

"I had to try, right?" I said, and I sat next to him.

He let out a sigh, and I looked at him.

"What is it Draco?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Nothing, I just wanted someone to sit with me, and I thought I should invite you, seeing as you invited me four days ago" he said and I nodded.

We sat in silence for a few moments, and then we heard footsteps from inside the castle. So, Draco and I covered outselves with the cloak and hid behind the wall.

It turns out that it was Flitwick.

I looked up at Draco, realising how close we were and then we both scrambled away from each other. Draco brushed himself down, and had a look of anger across his face.

To be honest, I was quite scared. I hate seeing people angry.

"I'm sorry that we had to be that close..." I said, quietly.

Draco rolled his eyes.

"I didn't come here to be close with someone Jameson, I came here to get peace and quiet, but I guess that's impossible now" he snapped, and my eyes widened.

I sighed, put the cloak around me, and walked off.

"Wait! Jame- Noelle!" Draco shouted but I ignored him and carried on walking.

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