Chapter 6

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It was time for Potions class with Slughorn, so I had to rush Harry so we would be able to be next to each other. I grabbed his hand and practically dragged him to class.

We slowed down before we got to the door, and he pulled me to the side. I was confused, and all he did was lean in and peck my lips.

"Noelle?" he said, and I smiled at him, gesturing for him to continue.

"Well, I'm sorry that I've been distant lately, with what Dumbledore wants me to do, and with Quidditch-" he started but I put my right index finger on his lips.

"I understand Harry, you're Harry Potter and everyone expects so much of you" I said and he chuckled.

I removed my finger from his lips.

"Anyway... I was thinking that we could hang out later? Once all our classes had finished?"

Oh no.

I'm meeting Draco later.

But Harry is way more important than Draco at this moment in time.


"I can't tonight... I have homework to do for other classes, but go with Ron and Hermione, and whoever else decides to show up" I said, and he smiled and nodded.

"Another night?" he suggested.

"I'll hold you to that, Potter" I said, and I stood on my tip toes and pecked his lips once more.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Draco look over at us, and he seemed to have pain behind his eyes. But, I wouldn't make a sudden judgement. Afterall, it is Draco.

-- Draco's POV--

An hour into Potions and I was ready to gouge out my eyes. I loved the class, but Slughorn seems way too happy. I preferred it when Snape was teaching. I know that others would have complete opposite opinions to me, but I don't really care.

All that was playing on my mind was the vanishing cabinet, and having to make a quick trip to the Room of Requirement before meeting Jameson. And when I say quick, I mean quick.

"Ah, Harry my boy, still doing brilliant" I heard Slughorn say, and then he gave Harry a clap on the left shoulder.

What a show off that kid is. And Jameson. She's dating the Potions guy who is also the Harry Potter. Oh bloody hell, here he is, smirking as usual. God, I hated that guy.

He walked past me, with a hint of swagger in his step. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my things.

I looked up for a second and I saw Noelle looking at me, smiling.

"What?" I snapped and her smile soon faded.

I rolled my eyes again, and then grabbed my things and left the classroom as quickly as humanly possible.

I weaved in and out of other students, and then found my way to the quiet hallway where the Room of Requirement was. I shoved my things into my robe pocket and then entered the room.

As usual, I dragged the blanket off of the cabinet and opened it, too see that the apple was gone. This meant that it was working!

I closed the cabinet and threw the blanket over the top, and left, unnoticed by anyone. I looked to my right and saw the time. Classes had finished now, so I better make myself scarce from Grabbe and Goyle.

--Noelle's POV--

"I'm sorry that I was busy tonight" I said to Harry, bringing my books down, to make it look like I was gonna do homework.

"Don't worry, me, Ron, Hermione and Ginny are going to the Great Hall instead" Harry replied.

Oh, Ginny. I decided to shrug it off because I just needed them to leave so I could get Harry's cloak again.

"Alright, well I'll see you tomorrow?" I suggested and Harry nodded.

"I need to talk to you about something tomorrow anyway, I love you" he said, planting a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too" I replied, and then he got up and left.

I held a book open, pretending to read it for about 10 minutes. And then, I decided to do my homework upstairs. Nobody questioned me about it, so it was okay.

I walked into my dorm, and threw my robes onto my bed, and changed into a pair of black skinny jeans, a white strap top, and put on my black hooded jacket. Then, I put on my white pumps and went to grab Harry's cloak.

I managed to get the cloak, and I threw it over me and headed out of the common room.

When I got to mine and Draco's meeting point, he was already there, still in his Slytherin robes.

"Did you not have a chance to change?" I asked suddenly, making him jump out of his pale skin.

"Jameson, you startled me" he said and I smirked at him.

I took the cloak off and scrunched it up in my arms, and sat next to Draco.

"I like it here" Draco said and I nodded in agreement, pulling my blonde hair to one side.

"It's like, we can talk freely without anyone making an instant judgement" Draco added. "We can be friends here"

"Friends?" I questioned and then Draco looked into my brown eyes, as I looked into his grey ones.

"Yeah, friends" he said. "But obviously, we can't be friends when we're not here, u-unless we're talking by ow-"

"You're rambling" I said and he chuckled.

I laughed too.

Draco actually said that we were friends. I was a Pureblood, so that was why we were friends. But, we were in rival houses, so that was something that didn't make our friendship work inside the castle.

--Draco's POV--

Two hours passed, and it was starting to get dark, with it being winter evenings, so we said our goodbyes.

I was genuinely sad to watch her leave, because we had been talking about everything. Well, everything apart from my task. I'm starting to feel like I can trust her, which is strange because I would never trust a Gryffindor.

But, we have the Pureblood bond, so I'm guessing that was it.

When I got back to the dungeons, Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle and Zabini were sat in a group. They all stared at me as I walked past them.

"What're you looking at?" I said, causing them to look away.

"Draco, where've you been?" Pansy asked.

"Away from you" I said, and with that, I went to my dorm and scribbled a note for Noelle.


I sent the note off and changed into some pyjamas, and slid into my bed, hoping to get a good nights sleep.

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