Chapter 3

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Author's Note: By the way, this book is going to be in Noelle's and Draco's POV. Obviously I'll switch between the two. There will be POV's of other characters, but not as many as Draco and Noelle.

Oh, and I will add in events that weren't included in the book or the film, seeing as it's my own, personal version of the sixth and seventh year. So if I don't get everything right, no need to point it out. I hope you enjoy!

Thanks for reading!
A week later, the trio and I were sat in the Gryffindor Common Room infront of the orange fire, on the plump red sofas. Hermione and Ron were sat on one sofa, whilst Harry was laid on the other sofa, with me laying in between his legs, with my head on his stomach.

We were talking about our potions class, with Professor Slughorn. You see, before the year began, Professor Dumbledore came to Harry around 10:30pm, and took him to a mysterious house, and it turns out, that was where Slughorn was hiding. Why? I don't know. Harry never told us, but Slughorn gained his old post as potions master, whilst Snape was given his dream job, as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Today, Harry was rewarded a vile of Liquid Luck because he managed to make the perfect potion. What a show off.

"Who does the book belong to Harry?" Hermione said, referring to the book he used in Potions class.

"No one" he said, suddenly.

That was when I sat up and smirked at him.

"Why won't you tell us?" I asked, trying to take the book from his tight grip.

He stood up quickly. Then, he held the book behind his back.

"He practically sleeps with it" Ron said, gaining a laugh from me and a few others who were sat in the common room.

"Just give it to me" Hermione said, walking towards Harry, making him walk backwards to try and get away from her.

"The binding is fragile" Harry said.

"The binding is fragile?"

Hermione obviously didn't believe a word that he said, and to be honest, I didn't either.

"Who's the Half Blood Prince?" Ginny asked, from behind Harry.

I looked behind him, and Ginny had snuck up behind him, and taken the book from him.

"What?" Hermione said.

"This book is the property of the Half Blood Prince, that's what it says here" she says and Harry just stares at her.

I clear my throat and Ginny looks at me, coldly. I frown at her and she smiles.

"I think you should return it" Hermione said.

"But he's doing so well in Potions, Slughorn's impressed, he's doing better than you Hermione" Ron says and I chuckle, and Harry just smirked.

Hermione, on the other hand, doesn't look happy.

Then, we resume our position on the sofas, with Ginny sat on a cushion, on the floor, sometimes glancing at mine and Harry's position. I shifted slightly, so that I was layed on my side, with my head still on Harry's stomach.

My hand was on his chest, feeling his steady heart beat. He had his fingers twirling in my blonde hair, whilst he held the book open with his other hand. I sighed to myself, and Harry closed the book, and looked at me.

"You alright Noelle?" he asked, and I nodded.

Then, the common room door opened to reveal McGonagal, entering the room. She scanned the room, and then saw us on the sofas.

Before she could see, Harry handed me the book, and I tucked underneath me.

"I'm sorry to disturb you Potter, but Professor Dumbledore needs you in his office" she says, and then she leaves the room.

We all look at each other, and I get up off of the couch so that Harry could get up and go.

"Tell me what it's about when you get back" I say to him, and he nods and kisses my cheek, softly.

"I love you" he says and I smile.

"I love you too"

I saw Ginny roll her eyes.

Harry said bye to everyone else, and left the common room, so I layed on the empty sofa, leaving Ginny to sit on the floor.

After a while, there was still no return of Harry, so we all decided to go to bed, and wait for him to tell us in the morning.

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