Chapter 16

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--Draco's POV--

Why did Snape do it? It was my job. The Dark Lord asked me to do it!

Bellatrix jumped onto one of the tables in the Great Hall and started smashing all the glasses by kicking them off. She used her wand and smashed all of the stained glass windows.

We all headed outside, down to Hagrid's hut. Then, Bellatrix pointed her wand at the roof, and fire came out of her wand and spread to Hagrid's.

Why Bellatrix? Why?

"SNAPE!" I heard Harry scream.

I turned around and saw Harry running down the hill, with his wand pointed at Snape. I also saw a girl running down, following Harry.

When she came into view, my heart sang.

"Draco!" she shouted as she was running towards me. "Draco!"

I ran up to her and hugged her. I picked her up and spun her around a few times. Then, I placed her on the ground, cupped her face and smashed my lips against hers.

When we pulled away she cupped my face and looked at me, her eyes wandering, looking at every detail of my now sweaty, mucky face.

"Draco, are you okay?" she asked, panting.

Noelle, my love, I'm fine. Are you okay?" I asked and she nodded her head.

We looked over and Harry was layed on the ground, and Snape was crouched beside his body, looking over him.

"Draco, we must go"

I looked back towards Hagrid's and saw my mother, holding her hand out to me. I looked back at Noelle.

"I'm not leaving her!" I shouted.

"Draco you must. You'll put her in danger" mother said.

"She'll be in danger either way!" I said, tears prickling my eyes.

"Draco..." she said, but I had a tight hold of Noelle.

I looked at her, tears falling onto my cheeks and down my nose. Then, I looked back at my mother, whose face was emotionless.

"Please..." I said, sobbing.

"Draco, go. I'll be fine" Noelle said.

"You don't understand. If I go, that's it. We'll have to finish our relationship" I said, falling to my knees, sobbing.

Then, I looked up at Noelle, who was absolutely heart broken. She pulled me to her, and my head was on her stomach. I pulled her down to me, so that I could hold her.

After a short while, she pulled away, and looked me straight in the eye.

"Go Draco..." she said, but I knew that she didn't want me to go.

I looked at her, seeing her break into a thousand pieces.

I'd caused this. It was my fault.

Then, I nodded my head and we got up, and we had one last embrace.

I didn't want to leave her, I really didn't.

"I will always love you" I whispered into her ear.

"I know" she said. "And I will always love you too, but maybe in time, we'll find each other again"

"I promise" I said, and then Snape pulled me away from her.

I was getting dragged further and further away. I was struggling against him, but I couldn't fight him. I saw her fall to her knees, covering her face with her hands, as she continued to sob, and as her heart continued to shatter.

"NO!" I screamed, scrambling against Snape, but I was fighting a losing battle.

Once I had given in to Snape's strengths, I looked at her again and she had uncovered her face.

"I LOVE YOU!" I shouted to her, but I didn't get a reply.

--Noelle's POV--

I had to let him go, I just had to. As much as it broke me, I had to make sure he went, otherwise people would be after him, and I wouldn't want that. I just wanted to make his life easier for him.

It's just like the saying 'If you love someone, then let them go. And, if they truely love you, they'll find their way back.'

I ran to Harry, who was still laid on the grass, panting to catch his breath. I lnelt down beside him and held his hand.

"I'm so sorry..." I whispered, and he nodded.

"I forgive you" he said.

At that moment, I helped him up and guided him back to the Astronomy Tower.

When we got there, every single student was gathered around the bottom of the tower, where Dumbledore's lifeless body laid. There was a slight breeze in the dark, spring air, so his long grey hair was moving across his face.

Once Harry had regained his balance, we made our way through the crowd. Harry knelt down beside Dumbledore, and put his hand over the Headmaster's chest, not feeling a thing. I made my way to where Ron and Hermione were stood, and I stood inbetween them. We all looked at each other, and then we noticed that Harry was crying.

Ginny knelt down beside him, and pulled him close to her chest. Harry clung onto her as he sobbed.

McGonagal raised her wand to the sky, and I looked up. I noticed that the Dark Mark was floating within the clouds. Then, few by few, all of the students raised their wands, that had a small light coming out of the end of it.

That was it...

That was the end of Dumbledore...

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