Chapter 3.

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Normal p.o.v.

At the castle, who could be seen it the horizontal from Freya's window, was hell lose. The old king, King Sheppard was outraged. He was sitting inside his study room, and was actually flipping out. He was yelling, screaming and tossing things at his adviser named Crowler, who right now was hiding behind one of the big things in here to avoid being hit by all of these things the king was tossing around with. A lot of stuff was already lying on the ground and was broken. The king slammed his hand at his desk and sat down in his chair once again.

"My son has been avoiding his responsibilities long enough" yelled the king angry "It is high time he married and settled down. Not walking around flirting with every girl and don't have a care in the world. Pick a girl he likes and get married. That is not too much to ask for, now is it?". He tossed another object around the room somewhere. You could hear it break. Crowler was crawling out from his hiding place.

"Of course not my king" He replied Sheppard "But you know Prince Aster, he says those girls really doesn't interest him. He is just spending time with them for the fun of it. You just have to be patient sire". At that statement another object flew through the room and the king flew up from the chair once again.

"I am patient!" he yelled angry. Then he sighed deeply and sat down once again "But I am not getting any younger you know, I want to see my grandchildren before I go". Crowler approached the sad and now more calmed king.

"I understand sire" Crowler said in a sympathetic voice. The king sighed again.

"No, you don't. You don't have any kids" He said and pushed him a little away "You don't know what it means to see your only child, grow farther and farther away from you. I am lonely in this desolated old palace". The king sniffed a little and hugged Crowler a little. Apparently he did that a lot because Crowler let him to it.

"I.. I want to hear the pitter patter of little feet again" he continued and began to sob.

"Now, now your majesty, perhaps if you just let him alone" Crowler began, but Sheppard looked up with a wild face expression.

"Let him alone!" he sneered angry "You said that last time as well and look what happened,. He brought home two homeless children on his own age. A boy and a girl and made me adopt them. Oh they are family, but not your blood related son. If only he had fallen in love with the girl, but no he sees her at his sister. Aster is too kindhearted, kind of like me". The king sighed deeply again. Crowler was rolling with his eyes and didn't comment on that. Everyone in the castle knew that Aster had his mothers personality and not his father's impatient nature. Crowler coughed.

"Hmm yeah, but well in matters of love.." began Crowler but Sheppard snort.

"Bla, love" He said and snort again "It is just a boy meeting a girl under the right conditions. So we are arranging the conditions". Crowler looked surprised at the king.

"But your majesty, if the prince should suspect..".

"Suspect!" the king sneered "Look Aster is coming home today after a couple of days visiting an old friend. So what could be more natural than a ball to celebrate his return hmm?".

"Um nothing sire" stammered Crowler a little. The king was angry once again.

"And if all the eligible maidens in my kingdom just happens to be there, why he is bound to show some interest in one of them, isn't he?!". Crowler was not sure what to reply in this case, but since he didn't reply the king, Sheppard grabbed his collar.

"Isn't he?" he yelled angry. The adviser quickly nodded. Then Sheppard smiled "And the moment he does. Soft light, romantic music, all the trimming". At the last word he pushed down Crowler so he fell to the ground and into some armored helmet the king had been tossing around with a while ago. Shepard laughed.

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