Chapter 6.

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The royal family's p.o.v.

At the castle the ball was underway. Or as much underway it could. A crowd of girls were introduced by one of the pages who was calling up every girl name, before they were introduced to the crown prince Aster, who was dressed in his gray suit, he normally used for these occasions. He did what it was required of him. Bowing polite to every girl. It was how he was raised, but it was shown very clearly that it bored him to no point. He sighed deeply inside and looked at his 'siblings' Sarina and Sartorius who actually was enjoying himself and was conversing with some other guests or dancing once in awhile with some of the people to the ball. That was what you were suppose to do at a ball, not stand at the red carpet bowing to girls all the time. Aster sighed again and bowed to the next girl, not caring what name the page was saying or anything. He knew his father's hidden agenda about getting him hooked up with a girl. Sartorius had told him, but it hadn't done anything good. Aster had tried explaining to his father, the king, that he was not committed to a relationship. That he was not having the feeling of love for these girls, but his father was to stubborn to listen. Aster sighed again and bowed to the next girl in line. He just wished it would be over soon.

At the loge or balcony above the ballroom, was the king sitting at the throne with his adviser Crowler by his side. They were looking at every girl who approached the prince but he was not interested in any of them.

"Ahr, the boy is not cooperating" said Sheppard and sighed deeply. Crowler was rolling with his eyes. He was having this 'What did I tell you' look on his face. They looked at the next girl who approached Aster. He bowed politely but didn't care about the girl which frustrated Sheppard even more.

"I can't understand it" he sneered. "There must be at least one of them who'd make a suitable mother". Crowler looked quickly at him.

"Shh, sire!" he said and tried calming down the king. Sheppard cleared his throat.

"I meant a suitable wife" he corrected. However what the king, prince and everyone else didn't know was that Freya now had arrived to the ball and was on her way to the ball room. However back at the ball Alexis was now introduced to the prince now and even Sheppard to see that Aster didn't find her attractive at all. Even the king didn't.

"Ahr I give up" said Sheppard "Even I couldn't expect the boy to withstand that torture. Give him a break and let him enjoy the ball". Crowler chuckled.

"Well if I say so your majesty. I did try to warn you" he said "But you are incurably romantic sire. No doubt you saw the whole pretty picture in detail". Sheppard sneered and closed his eyes. He didn't want a lecture now. He just ordered Crowler to give Aster and page the sign to stop bowing to the assemble and just enjoy the ball.

Aster's p.o.v.

Aster sighed relieved when the sign was given from the balcony. This bowing and being polite could feel like torture. He could hear Sartorius chuckle behind him and turned around to see his brother and sister standing beside him. Aster snort.

"Oh I am so glad you two finally showed up" he said sarcastically "It is not like I could have used some help with greeting the guests". Sartorius smiled.

"Well you know full well your father don't want us to meddle in your responsibilities" He replied and was holding a glass of punch near his face "I told you he want you to be married and settle down". Aster snort and drank greedily from the punch.

"Yes, but you told me that when I arrived here at the castle" He said and snort "You two could have warned me much sooner". Sarina eyed her brother.

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