Shadow Mirror (Ben)

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I watched the walls quickly close together like a healing wound as I was separated from Chesser and Mason. I turned to see my cloned self staring at me. It was like looking at a mirror in a dark room. They opened up a black umbrella and held it as if it was raining. They had the grace of a young girl and glare of a young man. The umbrella soon faded into a sword, and they cut an X in the air and sent it flying toward me. I blocked using my hands and arms, but instead an umbrella of my own appeared open and in front of me blocking the attack for me. I grabbed the handle of the umbrella, instantly turning it into a slender blade. I guess things like this only comes when you're truly in trouble. They walked to me with their dark sword at hand. I held the hilt of my sword, ready for an attack.

          They jabbed their sword forward barely missing my head. Instead, my hood flew off my head, exposing my hair. I kicked my clone away and slashed at them. They took off their cloak cartwheeled out of the way of each attack. I was about to attack again until they stepped on the blade of my sword and was about to draw theirs. I turned my sword into an umbrella and opened it, causing them to lose their balance and fall. I closed the umbrella and turned it around, holding it out to them to help them up. They took it gladly, but shortly after we got back to fighting. It was almost like we were dancing. Each move was poised, at the same time unsettling. I got a hit on them. A small cry is from them.  I continued to get hits on them, white blood coming out with every hit. I merely got a few scratches, it burned like little fire ants.

          Soon, it was time to finish my clone off. It pained me, but it had to be done. The shadow looked at me pleadingly. I shook my head, and took my sword and jabbed it right through their chest. White light covered the blade, the shadow shattered into nothingness. I got up as the wall behind me melted, showing someone lying on the floor. It was Chesser!

          I ran up to him, there was chess pieces scattered everywhere. I knelt next to his body, I put a hand where there was a huge mark on his chest. "No.... Please, no..."  I looked at the chess pieces. Next to his lifeless body I found a chess piece with his face on it. Tears started to roll down my face. Then I started sobbing uncontrollably. I heard something behind me. I turned around and saw Chesser's shadow waving at me with a smile. There was a white mark on their chest. My hands turned into fists, I gripped the handle of my umbrella tightly in anger. "You killed him..."  All I wanted to do was to avenge Chesser. The umbrella that was once in my hand was now a sword. I took it and cut the shadow's chest, where Chesser left his mark. White light and blood spewed out like a sprinkler. It collapsed onto the floor. It ached my heart so much to do that. I just had to wait for mason to come back... "Please be okay"  I prayed

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