Three Years Since

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          Three years had past since the shadow storm, and today is the day of numerous deaths. Ben and I are 15 now. We decided to visit Chesser at the cemetery. We met up at the park where Chesser scared the ducks. We were both a little more mature and thought more deeply of things around us. Soon we decided it was time to visit Chesser's resting place. We walked into the cemetery. There was an area with all of those who died during the storm. I looked at all of them and then at Ben, who just looked forward until we got to Chesser's grave. "It's been a while..." Ben said with a sigh, he took out the chess piece and stared at it. I looked at the closed eyes on the piece. "You still have that, huh?" "Yeah.." He held it tightly in his hand. "I wonder what the guy is up to. He's probably goofing around, being weird." "Yeah."

          Suddenly we heard a voice behind us. "HA! Goofing around? Being weird? You know me so well, Mason." We both turned around in shock. With arms crossed he continued. "You guys look so old! Even though it's been three years." My mouth was opened. "Ch-Chesser??" "Yeah?" Chesser still had the black scar on his chest. "Oh my God. Is it really you?" He nodded "Mhm! I'm back! Kind of." Ben attempted to touch Chesser, but his hand went through him, he was disappointed. Chesser Blushes. "E-eh.. See, I'm a ghost. I can't be touched, you'll get ghostly fluid stuff all over yourself." "Oh," Ben looked down. "I'm just really glad to see you..." "I'm glad to see both of you guys. But, I'm afraid I cant stay for long, for some reason when you're a ghost you can stay visible for so long. I'm sorry guys" I pat Ben on the back. "Aw, that's alright... At least, we got to see you again.." "Yeah. By the way I'll be watching you guys, except in the showers, or bathroom, But I'll always be there, okay?" We both nodded. Chesser started fading. "Bye-bye, Ben. Bye-bye Mason" Chesser smiled. "Bye, Chesser!" We both waved our good-byes.

          When he wasn't visible anymore we faced his grave. I guess what Chesser said that day was true. I held Ben's hand as it started to rain and Ben opened his umbrella.

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