Well hello people. I don't have any news today. I'll just talk about scoliosis in general.
Okay so you guys know how I have and s shaped back. I JUST GOT A GREAT IDEA. LITERALLY JUST NOW.
I will list pros and cons on scoliosis and it's brace.Pros: If you weren't curvy before, you are now. Your PE teacher will be easy on you. The brace will help you in case you get hit with a ball while playing dodgeball. If someone tries to rape you and take off your clothes you can get away using their moment of surprise as an advantage. You probably won't get hurt as much in fights. You are special and unique. You can laugh at people's faces when you tell them to punch you in the stomach.
Cons: You might need a brace or surgery. You have to wear the brace for years until you stop growing. People will pity you. You are in pain. You are constantly worried. If your back gets worse your mom will start to yell at you saying that it is all your fault like wearing the brace isn't enough. People think you are exaggerating or obsessing over scoliosis if you complain about pain. When you go in for x rays and come out of the changing room with your brace in your hands people will stare at you. When you have an itch you can't scratch it. Your clothes will get stuck to the Velcro. You have to get a whole new wardrobe. You can't be fashionable. You can't show off your curves or else your body will look deformed with the brace. The brace flattens your butt. You have to go to the doctors a lot. You will not be able to run as fast as you did anymore.
There are many more pros and cons that I can't think of right now, but you get the idea.
Also 2 of my cousins have scoliosis but never got treatment and their scoliosis isn't severe, but they are in a lot of pain.
Okay so for next chapter I'm going to post your comments so don't comment if you don't want your comment posted, or at the end of your comment put don't post.
Adios a todos y que tenien in vuen dia. Sorry just my Guatemalan and Salvadorian roots shining through.
Also I have the Boston brace, in case I didn't mention this earlier.
Scoliosis: My Story
Short StoryScoliosis is a spine deformity. That means that my spine is basically shaped like an s. This is my story. Scoliosis has affected me emotionally and physically. I hope this brings comfort to people going through hard times with deformities and diseas...