Chapter 23

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"I mean think about it, here we have death, depression, sadness, yourdisease."

That is what my brother said yesterday during a conversation we had while eating. While saying that list, he pointed at me and quickly and said your disease. Disease. Referring to scoliosis of course. Never refer someones condition to a disease. I don't have a disease, I have a condition, deformity, anything but disease. It makes me sound like I'm dying.

On a different note, it's about to be a year since I got diagnosed. It was sometime in early September. On January 12 it's gonna be a year of wearing my brace.

Sorry for the slow updates, but I'll try to update more often.

I'm getting new x rays in December. I wonder if my spine is getting worse. I've done the calculations. If my spine keeps getting worse the way it was, by my last x ray it'll be up to 21 at the top and 51 at the bottom. I should stop thinking.

I had a dream that I needed surgery. It sucked. But yay it wasn't real.

Do you guys ever find yourselves wishing you end up needing surgery, in the middle of bracing. I do, because at least that way I'll be straighter and taller. My feet would be even, my hips, scapula's, arms, and shoulders to. But at the same time I wanna get better. It's complicated. But do you guys ever feel this to. If so let me know.


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