Chapter 5

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Hey guys. I got know comments soo. Yeah. I'm at my grandma's house. My mom might take me out of school on Monday for my appointment to get my blood tested. The appointment is on May 31, but my mom is thinking of changing it so it can be sooner. By the I just want to say that I'm going to miss swimming. I can only swim like 10 minutes because I have to shower and change when I'm done and I only have 30 minutes without the brace because I have to wear my brace for 23 and a half hours.

I'm not nervous for the needle, I'm nervous because I don't know what they'll find in my blood. I have gotten my blood tested before. It was in the 4th grade and I went to the er because I had a stomach flu.

I haven't throwed up since. Oops. I have to knock on wood three times now.


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