Perfect 10

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"Kate I can't talk right now, I'm almost first in line! Sure yeah I'll get you a coffee. Okay fine love you bye! Stop talking to me goodbye!" I hung up the phone and rolled my eyes. Kate can just be the worst sometimes.

"Hi there, welcome to Dunkin may I take your order?" The curly haired brunette asked.

"Could I have two coffees one turbo-shot two sugars and a caramel latte please." I said smiling at the lady.

"And the name for the cups?" She asked pulling out a sharpie.

"Gary and Ace. The ambiguously gay duo." I said nodding at her.

"Alright," she said with a small laugh. "That'll be $5.25 please." She smiled politely punching in numbers. I pulled out my wallet and put $6.00 down on the counter, never had exact change. I walked the other side of the bar desk ordery place where you pick up your stuff and things. I walked over there and started humming.

I'm your basic average girl. Kim-Pos-Si-Ble. Call me beep me if you wanna reach me! Whenever you need me! Call me Beep me if you wanna reach me. Doesn't matter where Doesn't matter when! In danger or trouble I'm there on the double! There's nothing I can't do! What's the sitch. Damn that show was great. I sighed and walked over to a nearby empty table.

I watched the door from my chair and then I saw this guy walk in. Damn he's an 8 at least and then he turned around about hOLY SHIGTBZGHTHHGFGHY THAT GUY IS HOT! I yanked out my phone and called Kate.

"Kate holy fucking shit the hottest guy in the universe just fuckin walked into Dunkin."

"Was level is he?" She asked in a semi-bored tone.

"He's a fuckin perfect 10, ho my god he just looked at me!" I whisper yelled.

"No way you saw perfect 10, no freaken way." She said in disbelief.

"Would I react this way over a 7? I don't think so." I retorted

"I don't believe you! I call bullshit!"

"You want me to take a freaken picture of the guy?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yeah." She said flatly.

"Dude I can't just take a picture of him." I whisper yelled once again.

"I won't believe you if you don't." She said with mischief in her voice.

"How the fuck am I supposed to- shit Kate I gotta call you back walking over here I gotta-go bye goo d by e." I hung up the phone and made eye contact with him. Holy shut he's fuckin gorgeous. He's got icy blue eyes and chocolate brown hair that was falling around his face, he had scruff, I loVE SCRUFF!! I lOoKs sO gOoD! I realized my mouth was hanging slightly open. Aww body no. I immediately shut my mouth but continued to let my eyes follow him.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked. Either he was quiet or I needed to adjust my hearing aids. I adjusted them just to make sure.

"No, no it's completely- uh no you can sit there." I said clearing my throat nodding towards the chair. Great job! Clint Barton you dummy. I pulled out my phone again and began to violently text Kate.

'Kate! Holy shit, he's sitting right next to me! Oh my god. He was all like "Is this seat taken?" And I dun fudged up giving him the stupidest answer in the entire universe!' -Clint

'Dude! Nows your chance! Take a picture of him!!!!' -Kate

'I can't just take a picture of him!' -Clint

'Then take a picture with him.' -Kate

I rolled my eyes and locked my phone. I took a good look at the sexy piece of man sitting across from me and sighed pulling out my phone.

"Hey sorry to bother you but uh my friend- well. I mean I've never seen a perfect 10 in real life before and my friend doesn't believe me so could I, wow this sounds weird. But could I take a picture with you?" I asked feeling myself blush.

The corners of his mouth turned up into a small smile and he nodded. I rounded the small table and sat next to him on the booth like seat. I turned my phone on front camera so it was facing us and I uttered a quiet "smile" before taking a couple pictures.

"One Caramel Latte and One turbo-shot two sugars for the ambiguously gay duo." I closed my eyes and whispered out a cuss. "Gary and Ace?" They called out. I took a deep breath and walked up to get the coffee not making eye contact with perfect 10. I grabbed the two coffees and made my way to the door before hearing-

"One plain black coffee for a Steve Buscemi." I turned around because what the fuck?! And I saw perfect 10 hot guy go up to grab his coffee.

"Hey Gary!" 'Steve Buscemi' called out. I turned to face him.

"Yeah, Steve." I said with a laugh.

"My name is actually James." He said with a small smile.

"Well my name is actually Clint." I smiled back.

"Could you send me those pictures." He asked with a smirk.

"I'd need your number first." I said turning to him.

"You got a pen?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Always." I replied pulling one from nowhere. I uncapped the pen and handed it to him. He took it and wrote the 10 numbers on my arm writing his name underneath. Neat handwriting too, damn this guy is a fuckin 11.

"It was nice to meet you, Clint."

"You too James." I smiled.

A/N: Yay my first Winterhawk Drabble! What do you guys think! I'm writing a long going Stony fic so I thought let's try some drabbles! Some Winterhawk Drabbles. Okay so comment a prompt or an idea and I'll try to write a Drabble on it. -LQ

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