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"James I swear to god if you leave now don't you dare even fucking bother coming back here!" Clint yelled tears stinging his eyes. "If you walk out that door right now that is it! That is fucking it! If you walk out that door we're through!"

"I can't deal with this!" Bucky yelled. "I'm not gonna deal with you yelling at me all the time screaming at me because I made one little mistake!"

"A mistake?! You think this is because you made a little whoopsie?! No you betrayed my trust! You betrayed me!" Clint screamed.

"All I fucking asked you was who Beyoncé was!" Bucky yelled throwing up his arms in disbelief.

"If you knew who she was you'd understand what you did!" Clint screamed. "Beyoncé is the fuCKING QUEEN!"


"YES IT DOES! AND HER NAME IS BEYONCÉ!" Clint stormed out running into the bedroom slamming his door shut behind him. Bucky went in Google and started searching Beyoncé. Bucky gathered up as much information as possible before approaching the bedroom door.

"Clint, baby? I'm sorry." He said softly through the door. "I didn't mean to hurt you darlin'." He said in the same tone. "Come on sweetheart open the door." He said putting his hand on the knob. "Please?"

"No. I cannot forgive you for this! Not this time!" Clint yelled from the other side of the door.

"Clint, baby, light of my life, please open the door." Bucky said thumping his head on the door. Clint sighed and approached the door. The door opened slightly only for a pillow and a blanket to fall out followed by the door slamming closed again. "Come on honey, don't be like that." Bucky groaned.

"Baby I'm dumb like this all the time, you know I don't know who anyone is. Remember that time I forgot who Ginger Z was? Remember how I was?" Bucky only starts bringing up times he was really stupid when he knows he's in trouble. "Come on, baby, sunshine? Please talk to me. I already said I was sorry!"

"I remembered who Beyoncé was. Come on baby-bird don't make me sleep out here on the couch." Bucky said quietly against the door. "I'll miss you." Bucky said with a frown. "It'll be cold without you." He said resting his head on the wall by the door. "Lucky is gonna wonder why daddy and papa aren't together." He sighed.

The door I opened abruptly. "Get in." Clint said with a dejected sigh.

"Love you." Bucky smiled kissing Clint as he walked into the room. Clint scoffed before mumbling a love you too.

~~~20 minutes later~~~

"No! No! Get thE FUCK OUT!" Clint yelled shoving Bucky towards the door.

"It was a simple question!" Bucky retorted trying to stay in the room.

"Really?! James! Really?! Who's Sasha Fierce?! Really?! Get out!"

There was no way Bucky could wiggle himself out of this one. He was definitely sleeping on the couch tonight.

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