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"If you cut me you better be cuttin to kill." Clint growled dodging the switch blade as it was jabbed at his side. "Cuz if you don't do it now you sure as hell ain't gettin another chance." Clint dropped down to kick the legs out from under his opponent who jumped over the would-be-sweep-kick.

As he landed Clint took the chance to lunge at him knocking him off his already unsteady footing. He knocked the blade from his hand and held it to his throat. Our eyes locked and his lips twitched up into a smirk. Clint pushed the knife closer the man's neck. "I could kill you right now." Clint said calmly, he pulled the knife away and flipped it closed putting it in his pocket. "But you could be useful." He smiled.

"Then again," he paused. "I wouldn't trust you for a second." Clint said shoving his forearm to where his knife was once pressed.

"My name is James Buchanan Barnes." The man gasped out.

"Why are you telling me this?" Clint asked in a bored tone.

"I want you to know the name of the man who destroys you." He whispered. The motion was too quick for a reaction he was on top of him in seconds.

"What was that you said before about cutting to kill?" James whispered brushing his hand against Clint's cheek. "Such a shame to waste such a pretty face." He said voice laced with almost a hint of regret. He pulled out a hunters knife from the strap on his thigh and he flipped it around in his fingers.

"Aww baby don't worry about it." Clint said quietly as he slid his hand down James' chest. "You won't get the chance." He finished. He kneed James in the stomach and rolled out of his grip getting a small cut on his cheek as the knife grazed him.

They both stood up an immediately got into their defensive stances. Clint spun and kicked the knife out of James' hand. James took a swing at Clint's head, Clint ducked and threw his fist into the spot he had kneed earlier. James caught the punched and twisted Clint's arm behind his back so he was pressed up against his chest.

"Oh little hawk, looks like I've clipped your wings." James said quietly pulling Clint's arm harder. "You really are pretty you know, don't wanna bruise you up too bad." James said thickly against Clint's ear. Clint struggled for a moment before jerking back against James. He wrapped his legs behind James' knees and pulled forward. The plan was perfect. James would've fallen and Clint would have escaped but James' grip didn't loosen, not even for a second. Clint was taken down with James and they crashed down together.

"Ok come on you two!" Tony yelled walking into the room. "You've been going at it for 2 hours now! Give someone else a turn, huh?"

"Fine." Bucky grunted releasing Clint from his grip.

"I know I said role playing might help you fight better but you guys are making it weird." Tony laughed.

"Yeah yeah yeah." Clint waved his hand at Tony dismissively as he stood up and brushed himself off. He walked off the sparing mat with Bucky on his heels. They moved from the gym to the elevator where they stood in an awkward silence not making eye contact with Bruce. They got out of the elevator at Clint's floor, once the door closed Clint was slamming Bucky up against the wall.

"Holy shit babe, that was so hot." He almost growled out pulling James into a fierce kiss. "We should do that fucking every day." Clint said as he broke the kiss to breathe.

"Training is always good." Bucky said with a laugh.

"You being a sexy flirty assassin is always good for me." Clint said walking backwards pulling Bucky with him. He kicked his door open and walked into his room not breaking the kiss with James. "Fuck James." Clint gasped. "You in that tight black uniform, calculating my every move, studying every motion, touching me, fighting me, threatening me, making me feel dangerous and evil in the best fucking way" Clint was full on eating Bucky's face now. "Tell me we can do it again? Promise me we can do it again?" Clint almost whined as he rubbed down Bucky's chest.

Bucky smiled and pulled Clint into another kiss. "Fuck yeah, baby." Bucky gasped. "You looked so good, fighting all nice for me. So pretty, just for me." Bucky smiled.

"Is that a yes?" Clint asked with a smile. "Because of not I've got other method of persuasion." He said rubbing his hands along Bucky's thighs.

"Persuade me."

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