Lucky nO

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"Lucky no." I said calmly as he began to tug on his leash. "Lucky stop." I said in the same tone as he continued to lightly pull in the direction of a group of joggers. "Lucky nO!" I yelled as he began sprinting towards the group, dragging me behind him.

We sped through the park taking random turns and making abrupt stops so I was just dizzily holding on his leash. Sometimes Lucky's random running was helpful though, like when it brought me to attractive randos. He stopped so I bent down on one knee and whispered to him, "Lucky, see that cute girl over there? Go get her!" I said standing up, waiting for him to run,

"Lucky no! Wrong way!" He went sprinting off in the opposite direction of the cute blonde. Thanks Lucky thanks a freaking lot. I was about to yell at him but then he took off again ripping the leash from my hand. "LUCKY!" I yelled running after him.

He sprinted in figure 8's all around the park at least 6 times before I caught up to him and jumped grabbing his leash, landing flat on my stomach. Both my hearing aids fell out when I crashed onto the ground. I was surrounded by grass so it didn't hurt too bad, but it didn't feel good that's for sure.

"Bad! Bad dog! Now you better sit still because I gotta find my aids." I said with a frown. He whimpered and I stuck my tongue out at him while I crawled along the grass searching for them. They're bright purple! It shouldn't be this hard to find them! Lucky got up again and I was about to yell at him, but he came over to me with both of my hearing aids in his mouth.

"Thanks Luck." I smiled taking them out of his mouth. They were a little wet on the outside so I had to wipe them off on my shirt. "Ewww! Lucky gross. You got slobber all over it." I laughed wiping them off. He barked at me and made a weird face. "I already thanked you, I can complain as much as I want."

I smiled putting my aids back in. I pet his head and laid back on the grass. I closed my eyes and put my hands behind my head. I took a deep breath and smiled. It's nice out here. I laid there calmly for a while until Lucky decided to stab his paws into my gut. He knocked the wind out of me and I instantly sat up, jerk.

"We were just having a nice time lying down in the grass, why'd you gotta be such an asscastle and stomp on me like that? Hmm? Why you gotta do me like that?" I asked holding Lucky's face so he had to look at me. "You wanna walk around some more, we'll walk around some more." I said rolling my eyes.

We walked around a little while longer and then Lucky stopped. He sniffed the air a bit and growled. Uh-oh that's not a good sign. He sniffed the air walking in a certain direction the whole way and then he was off again, just gone. He sprinted so fast my body just flew with him. When he stopped he was sniffing some random guy's satchel mail carrier bag thing. He growled and backed up a tad. That's definitely not good. And then you know what my good old pal Lucky did? He barked. He barked at the weird
'I've-got-a-murder-weapon-in-my-bag' guy. Thanks. Thank you Lucky.

"S-sorry." I stuttered out pulling Lucky away from IGAMWIMB guy. It's sort for I've got a murder weapon in my bag cool huh. He said something but my hearing aids were basically fried and I couldn't read the guy's lips. "Sorry, uh could you- I mean your hair. Uh could you move it out of your face? I can't read your lips." I said just as nervously.

He tied hair back into a ponytail and spoke slowly. "No problem." He said. I tried to pull Lucky away but he would not get away from his bag. This tinned instead of growling he was whimpering. What is in that bag?

"Sorry to bother you but what exactly has got my bag so nuts over your bag?" I asked trying to sound friendly and calm. Of coarse I don't know how I sounded because Lucky messed up my aids! Thanks Lucky! He seemed to stiffen at the question. This guy just keeps getting weirder!

"To be honest, I don't know. Some guy said he was heading to the bathroom and asked me if I could hold it." I stared at him in shock with 0% of and idea of what to say to that.

"Dude." Was all I could say.

"I should probably make sure there's nothing dangerous in the bag." He said seeming to get my vibe. "Holy fuck!" He yelled.

"What? What?!" I yelled in fear and confusion.

"There's a fucking bomb in here!" He whisper yelled.

"What the fuck?!"

"Someone was legit trying to blow me up!" He said and he pulled a fucking knife out of his boot and he just cut all the wires at once. He shoved the now defused bomb in the the bag, throwing the bag in the dumpster. I just looked over at the dumpster, to him and back at the dumpster.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled again. His hair fell to cover his lips and he said something. I couldn't read his lips and I couldn't hear him because my hearing aids went all *fzzzt* and died on me again. "Huh?" He was in the middle of saying something else but I still couldn't understand him.

"Your lips." I said tapping at my mouth. He looked at me in confusion. "My hearing aids died and your hair is in the way, I-I can't read your lips." I said tapping at my mouth again. He pulled his hair back into a loose bun.

"I was gonna ask you out for coffee." He said with a charming smile. "Least I could do for my hero, you and your dog saving my life and all."

"O-Oh. Uh okay." I hadn't expected that.

"James Barnes." He said flashing that pretty smile of his while reaching his hand out for me to shake it.

"Clint Barton." I smiled shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you Clint."

"You too James."

A/N: tadaa! Send me prompts and stuff! Okie dokie, hope you guys enjoyed this Drabble! Bye! -LQ

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