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"Can you all stop complaining, it can't be that hard to get a date." Bucky rolled his eyes.

"Says you, last time you got some was 1940." I said with a laugh.

"How hard can it be?" He challenged.

"It's not as simple as going up to some girl who's never been to this city before and pulling out the Brooklyn accent anymore." I said pointedly. "You can't just go 'hey doll, wanna dance' and then have them swooning." I added imitating his voice.

"You don't think I could get a date?" He turned to me with an eyebrow raise.

"Well you haven't yet." I challenged.

"I bet you $20 I can get one by the end of the week." He said confidently, a sly grin growing on his face.

"You sure you don't need more time, it's Wednesday." I mocked him.

"Very funny, Barton. We'll see who's laughing when I'm $20 richer." He smirked, walking out of the room.

"You shouldn't've done that." Steve said as he took a sip of his coffee.

"You're just mad cause you don't have in on this." I smiled; To which he straightened out his newspaper.

I rolled my eyes and began to walk toward the elevator. Training time. I hopped inside and and pressed the button to the Gym floor. I then say Bucky walking towards the elevator so I immediately started jabbing the 'door close' button as fast as I could. He then began to sprint at me. Before the doors could close I shouted "GET REKT BARNES!" I laughed as the door closed, proud that I inconvenienced him.

Then the elevator made a really weird sound and- "WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed as a metal and flesh hand appeared between the cracks of the elevator door. He pried the doors open with his bare hands. He jumped into the elevator and closed the doors behind him, staring at me. "What the fuck?!" I shouted again. He said nothing.

When the doors opened to the gym he just stared at me. I got out of the elevator and he followed me. He had this blank expression, I had no idea what he was trying to do. Maybe I shouldn't have told him to 'get rekt' maybe he doesn't know what it means. I walked into the locker room and he was still on my heels.

We both walked inside and he grabbed me by my neck and pushed me up against the wall so my feet weren't touching the ground. I coughed and wheezed before getting used to my constricted breathing. "You could've done this in the elevator." I pointed out.

"This is the only room in the tower where he doesn't have cameras." He whispered coldly.

"I really hope you're not planning to kill me, I haven't even had lunch yet." I smiled.

"If I was planning to kill you, would you want those to be your last words?" He applied a bit more pressure to my neck.

"Yeah, I'd be good with that." I smiled. He let me go and I dropped into a sort of squat as I tried not to fall flat on my face. "So did you come in here just to scare me or are you gonna train with me for real?" I asked as I started to get changed.

I turned my back to him so we wouldn't be making weird eye contact as I got undressed. I felt his eyes on me when I was stripped down to my boxers so I whistled to get his attention. "Hey, eyes off the merchandise." I said looking over my shoulder. "I'm too expensive for you anyway." I laughed.

"Was that supposed to be a joke about prostitution?" He asked, raising an eyebrow in distaste.

"Actually, it was about stripping." I smiled. "You had strippers back in your day, right?" I joked as I redressed myself in my gym clothes. Just shorts and a tank top, nothing special.

"Haha, very funny." He said sarcastically.

"I know, Thank you!" I said with a cheeky smile. We walked out onto the sparing mat and began to circle each other.

"Hey doll," He said with the thickest Brooklyn accent I've ever heard from his mouth. "Wanna dance?" He asked as we continued to circle each other. He then lunged at me somehow taking me by surprise. I felt myself gasp as I was taken down. I blinked a few times and found myself flat on my back.

"You swooning yet?" He asked with a smirk.

"Huh?" I asked, almost completely dazed. I shook my head a little bit and looked up at him again. "Best two out of three?" I hopped back up to my feet and smiled.

"Alright, let's go." He smiled back. We circled each other once again.

He lunged at me, but this time I dodged it. I swung at him, but he aught my fist. I looked up into his eyes horrified. He spun me around so my a was against me back and my back was against his chest. I struggled to break free, also trying not to break my arm.

"You look good like this Clint." His voice was low and insinuating.

"What, helpless and being manhandled." I retorted try not to think about what he meant.

"No, I mean in my arms." He said more gently. "But you do look good being manhandled." He whispered in my ear right after that. His hot breath against my ear startled me. I squirmed a bit, trying to escape. "I'll let you go if you go out with me tonight." He whispered.

"Get fucked." I growled.

"Would you do the honors?" God damn he was smooth. "So what do you say."

"Yeah I'll go out with you, fuckwad." I grumbled. "You're a dick, you know that right?"

"A dick, that's getting yours." He winked. "Also you owe me $20." He said proudly.

"The fuck I do. You didn't get a single girl." I argued.

"You just said I had to get a date, never said it had to be a girl." He pointed out.

"You suck major dick." I glared.

"I wouldn't be opposed to it." HE'S SO SMOOTH.

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