Home for the Holidays

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"Hey baby, guess who?" Bucky's voice was smooth.

"What do you mean, guess who?" Clint laughed. "I have your phone number." He shook his head with a smile.

"I forgot about the whole 'contacts' thing." Bucky laughed.

"If you don't have my number saved then how did you call me?" Clint asked, raising an eyebrow even though he knew Bucky couldn't see him.

"I memorized your number." Bucky said with a laugh as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You're ridiculous." Clint smiled. "Oh I just remembered! Honey, I'm so glad you called!" He said excitedly into the phone. "I was just gonna ask you, around what time do you think you're gonna be home?"

"Clint." Bucky sighed into the phone.

"I'm sorry, you obviously have no idea. Shield didn't give you a time did they? They always do this shit. It's okay honey I'll just start cleaning up now and uh, just call me again when you get to the base." Clint said, walking into the laundry room with a basket full of dirty clothes on his hip. "I'm so glad you got everything scheduled so you could come home Christmas Eve! I'm sorry I'm rambling, but baby it's been 4 months. I know that you know that and I'm trying not to make a big deal about it, but I just can't wait to see you tonight! I've missed you so much." He said with a smile.

"I've missed you too..." he trailed off before beginning again. "Sweetheart, I gotta tell you something." Bucky's voice was heavy and Clint could hear the sadness.

"Babe, what's wrong? Are you okay? You didn't get hurt, did you?" Panic began to fill Clint's body as he clutched his phone in both hands, dropping the dirty laundry on the floor.

"No darlin', I'm fine, we're all fine, it's nothing like that." Bucky sighed again. "But I've got some bad news." He said quietly. "It's about tonight..." He trailed off and Clint's heart sped up. "Listen Doll, I'm not gonna make it home. The mission's not done yet, but we've zeroed in on the guy so I should be home by New Years." Bucky spoke softly. After almost 10 seconds of silence he spoke again. "You still there?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah I'm here." Clint sniffled and wiped the tears from his eyes, trying not to sound like he was crying.

"I'm so sorry, baby, you know that Christmas with you means the world to me and if I could come home I would." He apologized.

"It's okay, Buck. It's just, I'm really gonna miss you." Clint said quietly. Bucky knew he wouldn't make a fuss, he knew that Clint would tell him it was fine, but his heart felt like it was tearing to shreds when he heard the sadness in Clint's voice.

"I miss you too, babydoll. I'll be there New Years, I promise. If they try to keep me a second longer I'll break out of here." Bucky tried to lighten the mood.

"You do that, baby. If you have any time tonight can you video call me? I just haven't seen you in so long." Clint spoke softly, no longer wiping tears away.

"I promise that I'm gonna see that pretty face of yours before the end of the night." Bucky smiled as he spoke into the phone.

"Alright Buck, I love you and I miss you so so much." Clint said sadly.

"Love and miss you too darlin'." Bucky sighed.

"Call me tonight." Clint said firmly.

"I promise you'll see me." Bucky replied softly.

"Okay, I love you." Clint had regained his composure by that point.

"Love you too." James answered.

"Bye." Clint said finally.

"Bye, sweetheart." Bucky hung up the phone and shoved it in his pocket. He then walked out to the runway where his team for the mission was waiting for him.

"What was the hold up, Barnes?" A man asked with an eyebrow raise. It was less of a question and more of a you're going to make us late.

"Clint was on the phone, I'm gonna surprise him tonight. I told him I wouldn't get back til New Years." Bucky explained.

"Alright well, we're on a schedule so I'm gonna need you on that jet now." The man pointed towards the jet with the open door.

"Yes, sir. Happy Holidays." He smiled as he jogged off towards the jet. As he got on the jet with all his belongings he mentally went through a checklist. Clint's gift? Check. A nice Christmas outfit? Check. Steve making sure Clint doesn't leave the house? ... Bucky pulled phone out to text Steve. Before he could even type the question he received a message.

The hawk hasn't left the nest all day. -Steve

Thanks. -Bucky

Check. Bucky began to wring his hands. Why was he so nervous? Clint was his boyfriend, of course he'd be happy see him! They hadn't seen each other in months and Bucky was dying to get his hands on Clint. Hug him, kiss him, tell him how much he missed him, and how he never wanted to spend another day without him.

He bounced his leg up and down through almost the entire flight. With each thought of Clint his leg would bounce up and down, up and down. Clint's beautiful smile, up and down, up and down. His welcoming open arms,  up and down, up and down. They way his eyes sparkled, up and down, up and down.

"Earth to Barnes. Earth to Barnes." There was a hand waving in front of his face.


"We're here." The voice said sternly. James stood up with all of his belongings and walked to a car which was waiting for him. He had the car drop him off at his street, but not in front of the house, because that would ruin the surprise before it could even happen.

Bucky looked at the front of the house. The Christmas lights were up, there was a wreath on the door and he could hear the Christmas music that was playing from inside. He pulled out his phone and FaceTimed Clint. It only rang once before being answered.

"Hey, baby!" Clint shouted, smiling at the screen.

"Hi, sweetheart." Bucky laughed looking at Clint's dopey smiling face. "I've got some good news! I might be home a bit earlier than a I thought!" Bucky smiled at the phone.

"Really? That's amazing, honey!" Clint smiled widely.

"Yeah and baby could I ask you a real quick favor?" Bucky asked with fake concern.

"Anything, sugar." Clint replied almost immediately.

"I can't find my key and I'm gonna need it for when I come home. Could you go outside and check if it's under the welcome mat, really quick?"

"Sure, baby, I'll tell you in a second." He watched Clint walk down the stairs, down the hallway, and he watched him slowly approach the door.

"Oh, and one more thing." Bucky said as he heard Clint unlocking to door. The door swung open. "Merry Christmas, Babydoll."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2017 ⏰

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