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Narrator's POV:
"What the fuck?! Shit! What the fuck?!" Clint saw a flash of sliver and then *splash* He was slapping at the water and coughing all over. He paddled out towards a collection of rocks that were above the water level. He climbed up on them and sat back, smoothing his hair down with some water.

Clint's POV:
'Just give me your hearing aids' he said. 'I'll improve them' he said 'you'll have them back by tomorrow' he said. Now I'm sitting here on some huge rock about 40 yards away from the shore, half blind from the sun, and 100% deaf because Stark couldn't fuckin hurry up with his so called 'adjustments'.

I coughed again, wiping my eyes. It's so bright out here! And the water is so blue! I could smell the salt from the ocean and I was just thinking of the sound of waves crashing onto the shore. I looked down into the beautiful blue water to be greeted by a splash to the face. Fricking fish! Lucky would be having a field day if he was here. Owe Lucky, sweet, precious, beautiful, naïve, Lucky! Beautiful, loyal, pizza loving Lucky! Why did I leave you home?! Why?! Oh yeah, no dogs aloud on the beach.


Why doES THIS KEEP HAPPENING?! My mind screamed. I angrily swiped the water off my face. I don't know who the hell this fish thinks it's messing with but I'm about to show it who! I saw a flash of silver and red and my hands shot out and I snatched it! I freaking snatched it! Though it was bigger than I thought. What kind of f- OUCH! What the fuck! Somebody punched me! Are they after the fish too?

"Dude what the hell?!" I yelled rubbing at my stomach. "Why would you just punch me there?!" I glared. The guy's hair was covering his face so I couldn't hear- I couldn't read his lips. "Dude, dude hold up a minute. Move you hair out of your face, I'm deaf, my hearing aids are with a friend so I gotta read your lips." I said rolling my eyes. Hope I wasn't too loud.

He tied his hair back and- damn he hot. D-d-D-D-d-d-d-DAMN! This boi be fli mmmm mmm mm mmm yum. Dis boi is haaaauuuut.

'I'm sorry.' He mouthed. 'I didn't mean to hurt you, I thought you were trying to grab me.'

"Oh woah, sorry bro. I was just trying to grab this fish that keeps splashing at me." I explained.

His face darkened, fish must've been splashing at him too. 'What did it look like?'

"Oh, uh, it was a shiny silvery color with dark red fins, but dude don't go trying to catch it, it's huge." I said splashing at the water to keep myself up. "Super strong too, I almost went under with it. I mean till you hit me." I laughed moving to wrap my arm around a rock to hold myself up.

I kicked my feet every once in a while, pushing myself up. "I'm Clint, by the way." I said with my signature winning smile. He smiled and looked away, mouthing something.

"Sorry, say that again." I said moving closer to read his lips better.

'James. My name is James.'

"Nice to meet you, James." I smiled leaning on the rock.

"Nice to meet you too." He smiled. Well damn. James is hot as fuck.

"So James," I smiled. "How did you find yourself at this beautiful beach?" I asked moving a tad closer. He mouthed something that I once again couldn't understand. "Sorry, the lip reading is not working too good. Say that again." I furrowed my eyebrows as I moved closer.

"Well I live around here so I know the coolest spots to swim and where you can see the most animals." He said looking into the water. "See over there." He said pointing to a cave. "Baby Dolphins." He said nodding with a smile.

"No way." I gasped.

"Yes way."

"Take me to them!!" I yelled, letting go of the rock.

"Alright, just follow me." So I did. And damn he can swim fast, that's so cool. Not like 'oh my god he's so fast' more like could beat Michael Phelps with his hands tied behind his back. Like fuckin water sonic. So I followed him to his little cave place and- OH MY GOD BABY DOLPHINS!! I swam over to them and just covered my mouth with my hand.

"ITS A BABY DOLPHIN!!" I screamed, touching the baby dolphin. He just smiled and nodded, petting a baby dolphin of his own. That fish! It's near his legs!! Imma catch it!! I dove under the water and grabbed a hold of its tail. What the fuck??? What kind of fish is this??? Why is it so big???? I kept the fish in my grip and I pushed back up to the surface.

"James?" Where is James? Where did he go? "James?" I called out a bit louder. Then *woosh* I was yanked under water. My immediate reaction? Screaming. Whatever water demon it was released me long enough so I could make it to the surface. I took in a huge gulp of air and looked down through the crystal clear blue water.

I saw the tail of the beast and followed it with my eyes. I stared at it and I began to run my eyes over the length of it's body finding that it- whAT THE FUCK????? Holy shit that's the coolest thing I've ever seen!! It's a fuckin mermaid!! Fuck! I gotta show James! Wait... Where is he? *gasp* did the mermaid drown him?? Did it eat him?? What if it ate him?!?! "James!" I was yelling by now and there was still no sign of him. Wait, mermaids don't eat people, right? Maybe I could ask it to help me find James, and if it does eat me then that's how I wanna go out. Eaten by a mermaid while trying to find a friend. I took a deep breath and dove under the water, flailing around to get it's attention. I couldn't talk to it so I signed a question. 'Can you help me find my friend?' I signed.

It swam closer and it's hair went back, out of it's face. *internal gasp because I'm under water and if I really gasped I'd drown* 'yes.' It replied. It was James! James was the mermaid!! I pushed back to the surface in desperate need of air. He swam up with me. "You're a mermaid?!" I yelled.

"Merman." He corrected. How did I miss that?! How did I not notice the tail?? That's so cool!!

"That's so cool!" I yelled awkwardly kicking at the water to stay afloat. "Can I touch your tail?!" I gaped swimming closer to him.

"Sure." He said with a smile, moving to hold a rock to stay afloat. It was much prettier up close, the silver that took up most of the scales glimmered in the sunlight and the dark red that matched the color of thick blood made him look ominously beautiful. I rubbed my hand gently down the smooth scales. It felt like a snake, soft but muscular... And a bit slimy. I could not stop touching his tail. "Can I touch your legs?" He asked with bright eyes.

"Yeah of coarse!" I said switching spots with him so I could hold the rock for support. He reached out and touched my my knee, bending it a couple of times with a smile. He then caressed my calf moving to my foot wiggling each individual toe. He ran his hands back up to my thigh where he stopped.

"What's that?" He asked pointing to my hips.

"This?" I asked tugging at my trunks in confusion. He nodded. "They're swimming trunks. People use them to to cover up their genitalia when they swim." I said satisfied with my answer. He nodded in understanding and slid his hand into my trunks curiosity. I pulled back a little. "Easy there buddy." I said with a laugh. "I mean you're hot and all, but..." I trailed off, continuing the nervous laughter. He stared at me in confusion.

"You said I could touch your legs." He said pointedly.

"That wasn't my leg buddy." I said with a laugh. "You were grabbing onto my dick, I use that to pee. And have sex. You know what sex is right?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. He nodded and blushed. He moved his hand up my chest then onto my neck. He tapped around in confusion. "Yeah, no gills sorry." I said with a shrug.

"Can I check something?" He asked leaning closer.

"Sure, just try not to hurt me... Or kill me." I said letting him touch my face. He put one arm around my waist and the other at the back of my head. He then pulled me into a deep passionate kiss. He opened his mouth to say something then looked at the setting sun.

"I need to go home, I'll swim you back to shore." He said pulling me so I had my arms wrapped around him. He swam me to a dock and stared up at me from the water.

"When can I see you again?" I asked lying belly down on the dock with my head hanging over the edge.

"Anytime you come to the beach." He smiled before disappearing into the now dark water.

Well fuck. I'm definitely coming back to the beach.

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