Reminiscing...Do you ever just do that when you can't sleep?
I know it's different when you're still like 12-18, in general your teen years vs when you're past 20...
Tonight I just felt like going back in time...
A simpler time in my life where I had fun, I mean, I'm not saying I don't have fun now but it's different when you go from a reckless savage to a calm totally transformed person. Of course, I mean maturity hits...
I know what you're thinking, I'm never going to change.
Trust me...
You do.
The thing is you don't even notice it until you meet new people and you realize that it's very different from when you were younger.
I realize that I'm not that old but I can say that during the 24 years of my life, I have changed. Not really in appearance but in how I present myself and how others perceive me.
I've always tended to try to make a good first impression but let's be 100% honest...
When you're a teen, you just don't give a damn about what anyone says or thinks.
Well...when you're 20+ and need a job and get through college, trust me. What people think and say about you is like the most important thing. Your future will depend on it...literally.
Life's funny that way, you think a phase will never end then before you know aren't all about what you thought you were.
It's crazy!
Like it seriously is.
I literally went through so many different phases, I thought were "my thing".
Here are some of the things, listed below.
Some things more personal than others so just letting you know. I feel like sharing some of who I was back then to how I am now and hope that you guys can feel inspired and not be afraid of the future.
You're still you but over time, the experiences you have and the reality of things just change how you perceive everything.
Of course, there's also a couple of laughs keke. But it's mostly me being open with you guys on the events that have gone on in my life and how everything just changed for me.
Please feel free to comment ^^
I love reading your thoughts and opinions.
Phase #1: Tomboy
Back then I was always mistaken as a lesbian. Why? Well, Senpai was anti-feminine everything. I liked guys, I never was a lesbian but I just hated everything girly/feminine.
I absolutely loved to play male sports, although frankly I don't believe in the whole 'Only guys can plays this game' thing. I believe that if you're passionate about a sport and you're good at it then who the hell cares?
But you get what I mean...
So basically my clothing would consist of baggy clothes to hide my femininity which by the way is something that should be embraced. But back then, I didn't appreciate what God had given me, we're his creation and I just hated how I looked. I wasn't gender confused or anything but I just hated the idea of having big boobs and a butt. I didn't like it.
Humor"Notice Me Senpai~" (●♡∀♡) Contains: ● Ways To Knowing What Senpai Is Thinking ● How To Get Cool So Senpai Will Notice You ● Secrets To Senpai's Behind The Scene Love Life ● How To Stalk Senpai Properly ● Getting Senpai To Come Over Your House ●...