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New story, enjoy!

Song of the day: Ed Sheeran - Lego House << Amazing song


* His Last 16 *


Cold wind whipped across my face as I thought of him led in a hospital bed, wires coming from every direction, his face a blank canvas. This image urged me forward, pushing me towards the clean white doors into Queen Mary’s Hospital, each step taking me closer to my brother

As I walked down the entrance hallway, my mind wandered back to last week and the ultimate sacrifice my brother had made to save my life. Why did he feel the need to save me, and not himself? Him being in this hospital was entirely my fault… and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.

Stopping in front of the nurses’ desk I took a deep breath before starting my request.

“Hi, my name’s Kara Mckenzie. I’ve come to visit my brother Harry.” I said the words with urgency and the nurse instantly looked to her computer.

“He’s in room 12, that’s just down the hall-”

“I know where it is. Thanks.” With that I turned and began to walk towards my brother’s room.

Many different thoughts swirled around in my head at that moment. Harry being awake was unusual for one, but he asked for me especially. That could be good or bad; which one I had no idea.

I came to a stand still in front of the door labelled ‘12’. I had begun to hate that number, just the sight of it making me upset and angry. Opening the door, I saw him sat up in his bed, something I definitely wasn’t used to.

“Hey sis” he greeted me, his voice croaky and hoarse.

“Hey H” I replied, giving him a small smile.

I walked to his bedside and sat down on the chair there. I reached over and grabbed his hand, something I did every time I came to visit him.

“Your finally awake, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to talk to you again” I said, tears threatening to seep from my eyes and a sad smile breaking across my face.

“Well, it had to happen some time. I’ve got something for you.” He told me, as he leaned over to his bedside table and picked up a small piece of paper, noticeable as part of one of the hospital notepads.

“Now, you can’t read this until you’re out of the hospital okay”

“Okay.. Why though?”

“Just do it, pinkie promise?” He held up his little finger, waiting for me to wrap it with my own.

“Pinkie Promise” I said.

I placed my head on his bed and began slowly drifting into a deep sleep.

* * * * *

I was woken about an hour later by a repeating beep. I lifted up my head to see Harry unconscious, nurses bustling around him.

“Harry!” I screamed at him, shaking him to wake up.

“Maybe you should wait outsi-”

“No! I’m staying until you get him awake again!” I yelled at the nurse, hoping she got the message. It was clear she did, as she then went over to help the others.

I just stood there motionless as people tried to resuscitate my brother; my kind hearted, loving brother who didn’t deserve this. It should be me.

Tears began to pour down my face and I felt numb inside. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I walked outside and watched them work on him through the window.

I couldn’t lose him, I just couldn’t live if I did. Many memories flashed through my head as I watched the seen before me: Harry pushing me on the swings when I was 4; taking me to the movies when I was 10; and comforting me when times got tough. My life would be nothing without him in it.

 At that moment, the beating of his heart seemed to regulate as well as the beating of my own. The nurse who had asked me to leave earlier came outside.

“Miss Mckenzie?” I nodded my head “Can I have a word?”

I just followed her as she walked towards the waiting room, knowing the news wasn’t going to be good. We sat down and she looked slightly awkward.

“As you know, Harry has had many complications since he was admitted. He just went into cardiac arrest but we have been able to resuscitate him” I took a deep breath, knowing there would be a something wrong “but his condition has deteriorated and his heart is now beginning to fail.”

My heart stopped as soon as she said the word ‘deteriorated’ and I couldn’t breathe properly.

“There’s no easy way to say this, but Harry is now in a coma and we don’t know when he will wake up. I’m so sorry.” The nurse herself looked like she could cry. Harry was popular among everyone at the hospital, especially the people who looked after him.

I couldn’t feel anything; nothing at all. My hearing went, and all I could feel was the tears pouring down my face, soaking it completely. It was then that I collapsed into the nurses arms sobbing and all she could do was try and comfort me the best she could.

I had to go back in the room; I had to get the paper he gave me, and most importantly, I had to see my brother. I untangled myself from the nurses arms, walked towards the door and went inside. I picked up the paper, kissed Harry's forehead and began to walk towards the exit of the hospital, the contents now being everything to me; my brother gave it me.

I opened up the paper and read the top:

16 things to do before your 18th! Harry style;)

I realised I had to do everything on this list, for him.

Because this could be His Last 16.


Prologue complete!

Don't forget to check out my other stories and let me know what you think ...


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