Chapter 4

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<Dedicated to Sianie1990 for the cover - Thank you!>

Picture to the right is of Stacey :)


* His Last 16 *

Chapter 4

The next day, we already had our plan in action. Luckily for us, there was a small local farm nearby which had many animals they allowed people to buy (which is weird if you ask me). We called them up and asked if they had any pigs free, telling them we only needed it for the day, then they could have it back. For the most part, they were confused; what would two teenage girls want with a pig? Eventually, they allowed us to take the pig. 

And that explains how we were now walking around school - so early even the teachers weren’t here yet - with a large pig. Dakota tried to stay as far away as possible and forced me to be the one holding it on a lead, just like a dog.

“Please can you hold her for a minute! I need a break” I whined at Dakota, giving her my best puppy-dog face.

“Urgh fine! Just for a minute though”

I handed her the end of the lead and carried on walking towards the hall, the one place where lots of people went throughout the day. We figured that if we wanted to get caught, we needed to put the pig in a place where it would be found. So, the busiest area seemed like the best option!

Round the pig’s neck, we tied a ribbon which held a note in place, saying ‘My owners are Dakota Mansfield and Kara McKenzie. Please return if found.’ It was genius if I did say so myself.

Upon reaching the hall, we discovered that it wasn’t empty, but that Stacey and Lucas were in there, having an incredibly intense make-out session in the centre of the room. We looked at each other grinning before opening the door quickly and running towards them, dragging Miss Piggy behind us. They jumped apart and Stacey blushed furiously.

“Oh, uh, hey guys” Stacey greeted us with a sheepish smile and looked down at the floor.

“Hey there lovebirds” Dakota sang, wiggling her eyebrows and winking at them. We all just laughed, before Lucas stopped short and looked behind us.

“Erm guys, why is there a pig behind you?”

* * *

Sitting in form, I was anxious for when people discovered the pig. Would they laugh, or just think we were immature? I took an interest in what people thought about me and they all thought the same thing. ‘Kara McKenzie is a quiet, innocent girl who would do no wrong’. They were the people I didn’t know me.

Maybe what Harry wanted, was for me to stop caring what people thought and just live my life? That definitely sounds like something he would hope for. He was always looking out for me, and when we were young he would be the one to stand in front of me and protect me. Thinking of Harry made me happy, so for the rest of form, I just sat there thinking of Harry’s smiling face and how proud he would be of me for doing this for him.

I was heading to French with Dakota when we heard a commotion coming from down the corridor. Screaming and some laughing was loudly ringing round the school and everyone was stopping to see what was going on. I turned to Dakota and smiled wickedly, hoping that all this trouble would be because of us - a thought which I now realise made me seem slightly insane.

“Oh my god! There’s a massive pig down there!” A random girl ran past us screaming with fear written all over her face. Really? It’s just a pig?

Dakota and I trying to stifle our laughter, we headed towards the area which was incredibly crowded, only to be stopped when we nearly got there.

“DAKOTA MANSFIELD! KARA MCKENZIE! GET HERE NOW!” A loud voice boomed from the centre of the disturbance and me and Dakota walked faster.

“Yes Miss?” Dakota asked innocently, I could never be so calm in this situation.

“Is this all your doing?” Miss Stape asked us, trying her hardest to hide her anger.

“The pig? Why of course Miss” Smiling she linked her arm with mine. “It’s our pig Miss, we called her Polly-Anne.”

I was trying so hard not to laugh and I wouldn’t be able to hold it in much longer. Just the look on Miss Stape’s face would be enough to make me crack.

“You two-” She pointed directly at each of us “-detention, all this week starting tomorrow!” She shouted, just before turning on her heel and storming down the corridor.

“I do believe high-fives are in order!” I cried to Dakota before slapping my palm to hers, and giggling loudly.

* * *

By break, everyone in school had heard about our little ‘prank’ and all I kept being told all day was how great it was and how we should do it again. In no way did I expect people to be this enthusiastic about it. Apparently, it was ‘about time something excited happened here’, which I was told by Max.

Though Max wasn’t in our friendship group, he had to be one of my best friends. I’d known him since I was little, due to the fact that our parents had gone to college together and had spoken ever since. Max was popular, whereas I was between regular and popular; people knew who I was, but not enough to fully discuss me.

We hung out more out of school than in, because of our different social circles. But, in a way, that made our friendship more special.

I was heading out of the school building when I saw Max waiting by his car, waving me over. Hesitantly, I headed over; I didn’t want to miss the bus home. He stood up fully and met me in the middle, pulling me into a hug in greeting.

“Hey Kara, do you want a ride home?” He smiled politely at me.

“Sure, that’d be great” I returned his smile and started walking with him to his car, happy I would no longer be going home alone.

Opening the door, I climbed into Max’s beloved car and put my feet up on the dashboard in an attempt to irritate him. Luckily for me, he got in the car and sighed almost immediately.

“Dearest Kara, will you please get your grubby little feet off my baby?” He patted his car and looked at it lovingly; I tried my best to stifle a giggle.

“Just because it’s you” I winked at him and took my feet off the car, resting them on the floor.

After driving for a couple of minutes, Max asked me the dreaded question; “How’s Harry doing?” He looked at me with sympathy and genuine interest.

“Well, uh, he’s not really made any improvements. There’ve been no signs for him waking up or anything so, you know…” I trailed off and looked down, messing with my fingers. I tried my hardest to choke back a sob and just focused on my moving hands.

“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want, I know how much it’s hurting you” Max told me, smiling at me and letting me continue the journey in silence.


Well then, that's that :) I have decided to focus on this story and Getting Back at 'Mr Right' which means... FASTER UPLOADS PEOPLE. Oh yes!

**SECRETS TO BE REVEALED NEXT CHAPTER! Who is Henry and why does Kara hate him? What actually happened on the night of the accident?**


Until next time... Tashaa x

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