Chapter 6

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* His Last 16 *

Chapter 6

“You okay Kara?” Max asked me.

It had been about ten minutes since Henry had left, and the entire time I was tightly hugging Max, my tears seeping through his shirt. Slowly, I leaned back and unravelled my arms from around him, wiping my eyes and giving him a small smile.

“Yes. Thanks Max, I owe you” I told him, my voice thankful and sincere.

“What are friends for?” He said, smiling down at me as I stood before him, sniffling.

* * *

I woke up the next day to the sound of ‘Starships’ by Nicki Minaj blasting from my docking station; I had a vague recollection of setting it as my alarm song. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up and swung my legs over the edge of my bed, before yawning widely. Basically, I had hardly slept last night. Struggling to get to sleep was normal for me, but not getting to sleep until five was just plain strange. My best bet would be that I was worrying about Harry, that would be the most likely excuse.

Gradually, I woke up properly and fully pulled myself out of bed using all of my force. I threw on my hoodie and wandered downstairs, trying to be as quiet as possibly so I wouldn’t wake my parents. Dad had gotten in late from work last night and I didn’t want to be met with his angry and tired face first thing in the morning.

I reached the kitchen and pulled out some Frosties from the cupboard, licking my lips at the thought of eating them. Halfway through my delicious breakfast, I heard a faint knock on the front door. Confused, I put down my bowl and walked over to open it. And to my disdain, there stood Henry. I tried slamming the door in his face, but I guess it was too obvious, as he put his foot in between the door and its frame.

“Please, just give me a few minutes Kara” He begged me, but I held little, next to no, sympathy for him.

“You have no chance Henry. Goodbye” I kicked his foot, hard, and smiled in delight when I heard him grunt in pain. I shut the door and went back to the kitchen to finish my breakfast.

After finishing, I grumpily walked back up the stairs and into my room, throwing myself back onto my bed before looking towards my clock. Only 7am! I groaned and pulled out my phone, checking face book and twitter for any updates that would interest me. Realising that I had looked at everything I possibly could, I glanced back at the clock, to see that only five minutes had gone by.

Deciding to have a shower, I grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom. turning it on and jumping inside, the water clashed against my back, waking me up and boiling my back. Ten minutes was all I needed, so I hopped back out and wrapped the fluffy towel around me, enjoying the feel of it against my skin.

I quickly got dressed and applied some natural makeup before straightening my hair to perfection. I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs, grabbing some food for the day and walking outside to head to Dakota’s so we could go to school.

Along the way, we chatted about things of little importance before I brought up what happened the previous day. To say Dakota was angry was an understatement.

“He thinks he can just stroll into your house and talk to you like nothing happened? What a jerk!” She screamed, and I could practically see her face turning red from rage. I had to keep an eye on her today.

We met up with everyone when we got to school and just talked for a while before the first bell rang for us to go to form.

* * *

Lunchtime rolled around quickly and we all gathered at our usual PE spot to hang out together. Max had text me saying he wanted to talk to my friends and I, so I was looking forward to what he wanted to say. I sat down with Stacey, and soon everyone joined us. Not long later, Max appeared smiling and looking around everyone.

“Hey guys!” He greeted us happily.

“Hey Max” I said, smiling broadly at him. The small scowl that appeared on Dom’s face didn’t go unnoticed, so I playfully glared at him and mouthed ‘Be nice’ to him. He just rolled his eyes and smiled at me.

“So, I’m having a party tonight and was wondering if you guys wanted to come” He smiled widely and winked at me, knowing how I needed something to get everything off of my mind.

“Great! We’ll all be there” I told him, putting emphasis on the word ‘all’, knowing how Dom wouldn’t want to go. I gave him a pointed look and he just smirked.

Max stayed for a while before he walked back to his own group, back to the populars.

* * *

After finishing our detention for our amazing pig prank, I was heading out of the building towards the exit of the car park.

“You coming over in a bit?” I asked Dakota and Stacey after school, wanting them to get ready for the party with me.

“Sure, I’ll come over at about five?” Stacey said, and I nodded my head to let her know that was alright. Dakota agreed the same time, so I began walking home.

I pulled out my iPod and tapped onto the album ‘Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded’ by ‘Nicki Minaj’, deciding to put it on shuffle, before placing the headphones in my ears and turning it up to full volume. It’s safe to say I love Nicki Minaj. Shoving it in my pocket, I walked down the pathway, heading towards my street.

When I was walking down the driveway of my house, I felt someone’s eyes on me, so turned around to see the culprit. Unfortunately for me, no one was there, but I did see the curtains of Henry’s living room window moving slightly out of the corner of my eye.

Shrugging my shoulders, I walked into my house and up to my room, throwing my bag on my bed and sitting at my desk. I turned on my computer and logged onto Face book and Twitter, checking any updates or notifications before playing on games. I heard the doorbell ring and glanced at the time, noticing it was nearly five and that it would be the girls at the door.

Jumping out of my chair, I ran downstairs and opened the door to be faced with Dakota and Stacey, carrying bags of food.

“Hey guys” I smiled and moved aside so they could come in. With their backs turned, I launched forward to try and grab the bag, craving the sugary foods that were likely to be inside. However, before I even had a chance, Stacey held the bag to her chest and looked at me disappointedly.

“I thought you’d be able to last at least two minutes to try and steal the treats but you failed miserably” She shook her head “You owe me a pound for that.” Winking, she followed Dakota up the stairs, me trailing behind.


You ready for the party? Next chapter so look out!

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Until next time... Tashaa x

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