I miss you Happy's POV

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Happy's POV:

After the song and the proposal, and me telling Toby the truth about what happened. I was insanely tired of life. I literally just wanted to die. And that's saying something, for a "genius". So I went to my dads.

My dad let me stay at his house that night because I knew I couldn't stay at mine. It would be too much for me to handle.
Once I got there, I explained everything. Including the case. He told me I just needed to breathe, go take a shower, and cool off.
So I did.
I went to his guest bathroom and had a meltdown. As I was leaning against the closed bathroom door, with my head resting on my knees, crying my freaking eyes out, Paige thought it would be a good idea to call me. It wasn't. For me that is. We had this short conversation. Mostly me trying not to cry, but doing it anyway. Her pity was enough to make me hang up mid her sentence. She tried to call back but I didn't answer. I just got in the shower. All the shower did for me was mute my crying.
That night was rough. My first night of withdrawal from being warm in Toby's arms. I couldn't sleep. I tried. But I couldn't.
I got up and went to the store bought a bunch of beer. And came back. I knew that's the only thing that could help me. Drinking away my problems.

The next morning I woke up had coffee, which wasn't nearly as good as Toby's. Oh who am I kidding, nothing is good unless it involves Dr. Tobias M. Curtis.
My dad and I talked for a while. He told me that if I don't love Mark anymore, which I never did, to file for a divorce. I've been trying to do that since I got out of the system for good. But he never signed. My dad kept telling me to try again.

So I did.

As I was driving to the Prison with the divorce papers I kept having flashbacks. Of me and Toby.
(The video at the top)

I got the papers signed by Collins. Finally. And the first thing I did was got back to the garage. I got pulled over for speeding.
That was officially the most interesting morning of my life. But I got my boyfriend back so that was a plus.

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