Emma's POV
We entered the airport, fans screaming at the top of their lungs, how they do it I have no idea. I'd only experienced something like this when I was at a Justin Bieber concert before I was in care. I don't understand how they don't hurt their throats or die of lack of air. Dad handed me a pair of sunglasses to sheild my eyes from the flashes of the camera's from the paparazzi. Photo's were being taken left, right and center, along with questions being thrown at Liam constantly...
'Who's the girl Liam?'
'Is she your girlfriend?'
'Is this the new found love in your life?'
And more. Do I honestly look old enough to be dating him? Seriously? My dad? What?
I walked through the airport with my head down. We finally made it to the waiting area. Me being me, I decided to go grab some food before we boarded the plane. I was in a gaze when I bumped into someone.
"Oh, I'm so sorry." He turned around and smiled.
"No it's fine." Okay, that was awkward. I paid for my food and went back to where dad was sat. I sat back down beside him before he began to lecture me...
"Who was that?" I shrugged.
"I don't know, I bumped into him by accident why?" He never replied to me. Okay.
We were waiting an hour and a half before we could actually board the plane. You would have thought, my dad, being famous and all would have his own private jet or something, wrong. Even after all this time...the whole of One Direction travel on public aeroplanes.
'Flight 212 to California, now boarding...
Luckily most of the fans and paparazzi had disappeared, meaning we would board the plane in peace. I don't know how dad does it. It's like crazy. How does he not burst an ear drum? I suppose he's learnt to cope with everything, I don't know if I'll ever be used to this.
"Don't worry, the plane is landing in a different airport to where originally planned to trick the fans and paparazzi." I nodded and smiled as we climbed onto the plane. To say I've been in care for the past 3 to 4 years, you would have assumed I'd never been on a plane or on a holiday but I have. I went to Spain with mum when I was about 9, I went to America for 2 weeks on the school Exchange Programme and Mike took all us carekids to Australlia for a month on a special trip for being so good. I just believe I've been very fairly lucky with my holidays and stuff.
When we boarded the plane, me and dad sat on the left hand side in the middle. I was sat closest to the window. I placed my bag down on the floor, pulling out my IPod. Putting the buds into my ears, I put the songs onto random. First song to pop up? You got it...One Direction. It doesn't seem real to me that I, Emma Louise Payne' of all people will be travelling with the 5 boys that made it from a TV show. It's still weird to think that my Dad is who he is. I expected my dad to be a middle class working man who was a hit with the ladies but always stuck by the one he loved. Who also didn't want a daughter but obviously not.
"Dad?" I pulled one of the buds out my ear to be able to hear him properly. I turned slightly to face him. His face was the exsact replica of mine. It was strange how weird we look alike yet I didn't realise he was my dad.
"Yes Emma?"
"How are you so good at this? You know the parenting?"
"I'm not really, I've just looked after Zayn and Louis' sisters enough to know how to be with kids." I nodded and returned to look out the window. Cloud after cloud...a 7 hour plane journey with silence from my own father. Great.
Liam's POV
Why was Emma asking me that? Am I being to harsh with her? Oh gosh. I tapped Emma on the shoulder. She turned her head to meet mine. Her beautiful dark brown eyes, staring into my own. She was like my twin, except she had her mother's dark brown hair.
"Do you think I am being too mean Em?" She shook her head and smiled.
"I just think you've adapted to the whole parenting thing pretty well." Maybe I was seeing things differently to her. "I think you are an amazing Dad. At least I will know when you say No you will mean it. You're better than Jack." She smiled once again. She had a smile like mine yet she had dimples like Harry's. It was cute but who the hell was Jack?
"Emma? Who's Jack?"
"He is my mum's ex. They split about a month before I was put into care."
"Oh right." So much for being still in love with me Megan. She leaves me because she is carrying my daughter and is scared she will ruin my career and life yet she still loves me but she goes and grabs another man. Classy style Megan.
6 hours later
'Please put your seatbelts on we are landing.'
Me and Emma woke up and fastened our seatbelts. After landing we grabbed our bags and walked off the plane. Heading in the direction of where the lads would be stood with our bags. We walked into the airport to see the guys stood with smiles on their faces. Emma immidiatly hit behind me.
"Emma, stop being stupid. They aren't going to hate you." Emma never moved. Right now she wasn't acting like much of a 15 year old.
"Hello Emma, I'm-" Emma cut Harry short.
"Harry, and they are Zayn, Niall and Louis. I know." Emma said bluntly. Harry stepped back.
"Emma. Stop being nasty. I told you to go to bed earlier last night but no. You insisted on staying up. You wake up this morning and treat Harry like that. That is not how you behave and stop hiding behind me like a 5 year old." The lads stood there with shocked faces. Yes. I, Liam James Payne can be harsh when I want to be. If there is anything, one thing I know is that my daughter isn't going be brought up getting away with everything. Emma began to walk off towards the cars sat outside.
"Emma Louise Payne, come back here now." She ignored me and kept on walking. Why was rasing a 15 year old so hard? She had not even been with me a day and she was becoming too much to handle. That attitude will be dropped by the time we get to sound check. I caught up with Emma. She stopped and looked at the floor.
"Anything you want to say?"
"Sorry" she muttered.
"Good, I don't want to shout at you Em but you have to understand you can't go on with the attitude. Drop it please? Go say hello to your Uncles properly." She nodded. I pulled her into a quick hug and let her go say hello properly. If there is one thing I know it's that this is not going to be easy.

"Daddy Direction."
FanfictionWhen Liam makes the bold decision of taking time off touring in America to visit the 14 year old, who Megan claims to be his daughter, on her 15th birthday...Liam explains everything too her, such as the letter and his past relationship with her mot...