Liam's POV
"Emma get up and put of bed now. We have to go." Emma began to stir in her sleep.
"Why? Where are we going?" She asked with a groggy voice.
"Press confrence" Emma rolled over and buired her head in the pillow.
"Up now."
"I don't need to go..." I pulled the covers off Emma and laughed.
"I'm afraid you do...the press confrence is about you." Emma instantly sat up, worry painted her face. She swung her legs out of bed and went for a shower. I left her too it and headed downstairs. All the lads were sat around the dining table with Oscar eating breakfast. I don't think I'll be able to stomach anything to eat. Today would be the day that the media would get their stories corrected or agreed with.
"Alright dad, calm it. I'm here!" She looked so pretty. Minimal make-up, her hair down wavy, she was wearing a pair of chino's with a light blue top and TOMs.
"See ya later boys!" the boys nodded their heads at us and smiled. We left the hotel and got into Uncle Simons car.
"Liam, Emma. You alright?" I nodded.
"Nervous." Emma answered shyly.
"Don't be, I'll take care of it, just sit there a look happy." She nodded.
Emma's POV
We pulled up outside a big building, where I assume the press confrence was taking place. I followed Dad upto the room where the paps were sat in rows. I sat down at the table, along side dad.
"Hello ladies and gentlemen. We are here today to clear up and correct stories. I understand that stories have been put out there about Emma here being my daughter or in other cases my new girlfriend. I can tell you that she is not my girlfriend but my daughter. I had her with Megan Dale over 15 years ago and I've only just found out. I would appriciate it if you would respect any decision me or Emma make and respect if Emma wants to stay out of the public eye." I just sat there and smiled like Dad told me too. I'd never really been in such a situation, apart from when I was put in care. With my mum being a model the story of her putting her daughter in care was everywhere. It upset me alot too be honest. It was hard enough going into care let alone it being published everywhere.
"Thankyou for all your support!" Dad nodded and left the table, me following shortly behind.
"Nandos Emma?" I nodded and smiled. Nandos who turns down Nandos?
Harry's POV
So Liam was letting everyone know about Emma being his daughter while us guys sat at home and messed around. Luckily Oscar was in bed asleep.
"So what we doing today lads?" Louis shrugged.
"Well, Liam and Emma will be out most of the day and I can't leave Oscar so movie day?" We all agreed and watched a few films before Niall decided he wanted to cook dinner. We all left Niall in the kitchen knowing that he gets annoyed if we annoy him. Oscar was now wide awake and messing around with us all on the floor. I wonder how Liam and Emma are getting on. My thoughts got snapped in half when there was a knock on the door.
"Oscar, can you get off Uncle Harry so he can get the door?" Oscar finally got off me and jumped straight on Zayn's stomach. That had got to have hurt. I stood up from the floor and opened the door. Seeing the only person none of us wanted too. Megan.
"Hello Harrryyyyyyyy, long time no see." I sighed. So she is not only drunk but high? This is not the Megan we all used to see and love...
"Megan, what are you doing here?"
"I'm here for my daughter." The smell of alcohol and what I could make out to be weed hit me. I stepped back slightly.
"Well, she's not here and she doesn't want to leave with you." I looked over Megan's shoulder to see Liam and Emma walking towards the room laughing. The laughter soon stopped when Emma realised who it was. Instantly Emma began sobbing. I pushed past Megan and pulled her into a hug, her salty tears wetting my top.
"Shush, It's alright Emma..." I tried to sooth her but nothing seemed to be working. I kept rubbing mini circles on her back. Emma was now shaking and her sobs changed into loud crys. Why couldn't Megan just leave them alone? Megan clearly wanted Liam to take care of Emma or she wouldn't have sent the letter. Now he's done what she said she wants her back but not only does she want her back, she wants her back while she's on drugs and alcohol. That is just unacceptable.
"Don't let her take me Harry...I don't want to live with her. Don't let her take me!"
"She's not taking you anywhere Emma, trust me. Your dad will make sure of that." I began to walk Emma back into the hotel room when Liam began to speak.
"Megan. I think it's time you left don't you?" Liam was beginning to become angry and annoyed. He swore to Emma just 2 nights ago she didn't have to go back with her mum. If Liam wanted to keep Emma close to him he was going to have to do his best too keep her. He would have to fight Megan for Emma. I just hope he realises how much Emma doesn't want to go back to her mum. Too be fair I don't think Liam could bare it, watching the only person he truely loves be taken away from him.
"I'm going no where Liam baby, not until I get Emma back." Megan went into kiss Liam...

"Daddy Direction."
FanfictionWhen Liam makes the bold decision of taking time off touring in America to visit the 14 year old, who Megan claims to be his daughter, on her 15th birthday...Liam explains everything too her, such as the letter and his past relationship with her mot...