Liam's POV
After last nights events or should I say arguement, I've decided to spend the day with Emma, showing her how Megan never used to be like she is now before Emma was born. Last night after everyone had gone home, I headed upstairs to check on Em to find her fast asleep. Danielle was giving Caitlin a bath when I found some photo albums and dvd's that me and Megan had done. We used to make a day by day diary. We promised that we would keep it and show our kids when they were older. Too be honest I forgot we'd done it and I don't even know what I have it for. I didn't want that many memories of Megan. I just want a peaceful life with Dani, Em and Caitlin but it seems that Megan is going to make that as hard as possible until she gets her own way. Luckily me and Emma would have the day to ourself apart from Caitlin being upstairs but she's ill so she should just sleep. Danielle is going out with Eleanor, Louis' girlfriend for a girly day. Emma had a massive bust up with Haz last night about her and Josh, then Harry saying something about her having serve depression and then highly regretting it afterwards. I ended up being on the reciving end of it all. So for all I know Emma could still be in the shittest mood with me ever but thinking logically, Emma went to bed around 8 and cried for around an hour until she worn herself out and cried herself to sleep. It's now 12 in the afternoon, she's had about 15 hours sleep...If that hasn't cheered her up I have no idea what will.
"Dad? Stop thinking so hard." I shook my head clear of all thoughts that lingered in my head. Em came and sat infront of me with a glass of water.
"Em? Why didn't you tell me about your depression?" Em sighed.
"Because I didn't want to scare you. I've coped pretty well so far. I've only had about 10 bad days that you've not known about because I'm usually quiet or sleeping so in theory its all good..." I shook my head. I took a quick glance at her wrists to see 4 bright red lines, beginning to heal.
"Coping well? Ahh, I see. That's why there is 4 clean red lines on your wrist is it? Answer me honestly Em, you've not been taking any medication have you? Where is it?" Em looked to her wrist and sighed once again, pulling the fabric of her jumper into her fist.
"I only cut last night because Harry got to me. I told him that in pure confidence beliving he wouldn't tell anyone. I haven't been taking my medication no. It's all upstairs in the mirror cupboard of my bathroom. Go look if you don't believe me."
"I believe you, I just don't get why you couldn't have come to me. Will start taking your medication for me? Please?" Emma nodded shyly and smiled. I walked into the living room and shouted Em in. Em walked into the room and sat down on the sofa. I put the DVD into the player and pressed play. Megan and I popped up on screen.
"Dad? What's this? Why do you have a dvd of you and mum?" I never took my eyes off the TV screen.
"Me and Megan were making a diray dvd to show our kids when we were older, you know when we were a proper family. She was so kind and caring before you were born, as soon as she left me and had you she turned nasty and I don't know why..." The thought of Megan being nasty was just horrible. To think I used to be in love with a monster killed me. Emma sat and watched the TV with a disgusted face...I turned off the DVD and sighed. Caitlin's cries came from upstairs through the baby monitor. I headed upstairs to see Caitlin screaming her lungs out. I picked her up and began rocking her, trying to calm her down. So much for her sleeping all day Dani...
Danielle's POV
I pulled upto the house that Louis and Eleanor owned. They managed to give rid of Harry and moved out to live on there own a little over 3 years ago...So I've heard from Liam. I've also heard they have a son called Oscar and that the pair are now married. I'd only ever met Eleanor once before and that's when I was in Doncaster dancing for Jessie J and I bumped into them both...great day if you ask me. I hopped out the car to see a tired Lou, Oscar situated on his hip and El stood beside him. I walked upto them and pulled them into hugs.
"You ready to go?" Eleanor nodded and followed me down to the car.
"NO GETTING DRUNK" Lou shouted from the house. What the hell? We're going for he mad? Me and El climbed into the car and sped off towards the nearest Starbucks.
"So how are you Dan?"
"I'm good you?"
"I'm good too, Lou is a bit down though." I sighed and kept focus on the road.
"Why?" Like I didn't know...
"He isn't happy about the way Harry acted last night. I have only heard the story from Louis but I feel it was unfair how he acted." I nodded my head in agreement. It was disgusting how Harry acted last night.
"It wasn't a good night. Emma basically cried herself to sleep. Liam told me that this is the first time she's ever been in love because Megan told her it was wrong and now Harry has gone and ripped it up as for telling us she has severe depression that was wrong. She told him that in confidence..."
"I know, how is she coping with it all?" I shrugged my shoulders and parked up outside starbucks. I stopped the car and sighed.
"I'm not sure I left before she had woken up. I'm just worried that Caitlin will become restless and ruin their day." We both go out the car and headed into starbucks. El ordered a frothy coffee and I ordered a cappaucino. We sat down with our drinks at the far table in the corner.
"So, hows things going with Li?"
"Okay, nothing's come in between us yet...I don't want too jinx things though." Eleanor cracked up laughing.
"I said the same about me and Lou but then it went down hill at one stage, infact it was about a month before Oscar was born..." El rolled her eyes. I couldn't help but laugh. "I was having a really bad day, I was in pain with my back and my morning sickness had turned to all day sickness. Louis had choosen that day to be a complete asshole. Around 12 I lost and shouted at him so much it sent me into false labour, the look on his face. The terror he showed was unreal..."
"Oh my god, really? What did he think on the actual day?"
"Funny you should say that actually...My waters had broken half way through the night and neither of us realised until the morning after where Lou was shaking me to wake me up claiming our bed was wet through...I sat up and instantly felt contractions. Oscar is quite the mysterious one...How was your pregnancy and labour with Caitlin?" How did we even get onto this? Geez...
"I was out shopping with a few of my dance colleges about 1 week before she was due, we were stood in primark looking at some baby clothes when sharp pains started in my abdomen, I was wearing heals that day and I thought it was just them but clearly waters broke in the middle of Primark and I believe she was delivered in there too but I'm not sure...everything was a bit of a blur..." We could say that Caitlin and Oscar were like twins, both mysterious...We finished our coffee's and decided we would do some window shopping. We came across a baby store which El insisted we went too look in. Everything was amazing. I remember shopping while pregnant and how happy it made me feel.
"Do you think you and Li will have anymore kids?" I shurgged and giggled. I hope so...
"I hope so...lets not get ahead of ourselfs El." El picked up some babygro's and newborn clothes. I'm pretty sure Oscar is older than Caitlin...Maybe the same age. OMG...El I gasped and smiled widely.
"Something you want to tell me Mrs.Tomlinson?" She shook her head. Lies...Lies.
"You're pregnant again aren't you?" El nodded shyly...I knew it.

"Daddy Direction."
FanfictionWhen Liam makes the bold decision of taking time off touring in America to visit the 14 year old, who Megan claims to be his daughter, on her 15th birthday...Liam explains everything too her, such as the letter and his past relationship with her mot...