Chapter 15

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Zayn's POV

I pulled up outside Liam's family home, unknowing how bad Emma actually was. I knocked on the door a few times before allowing someone to open it. The door swung open to reveal an incredible tired looking Liam. Oh god this can't be good. Liam signalled for me to enter the house. 

"Where is she?" I asked quietly.

"She's awake in the living room" I nodded and headed into the living room. I sat down beside Emma and sighed. She looked really pale and unwell. 

"How are you Emma?" 

"Fed up..." I nodded. "I hate being's annoying." 

"Well, from what Li told me over the phone, you deffinatly have an ear infection and a seriously bad cough. Have you been sick?" Emma nodded and began to cry. I pulled her into my chest and kissed her forehead. "Em, don't cry hun, it's okay. It's not your fault." 

"I'm not meant to be sick...My mum always told me it was wrong to throw up." I shook my head and looked at Liam. Liam just shrugged and sighed. 

"Look, Emma if throwing up makes you feel better so be it...we don't care as long as your becoming better. Do you have head ache?" Emma nodded once again. "Well, I can see it as a bad fever, ear infection, bad cough and migraine but I'd call the emergency doctor just incase." Liam nodded and pulled his phone out his pocket, punching number into it and taking the call in the living room. I just hope Emma being ill isn't as bad as it sounds. I still couldn't understand why Megan had told Emma that it was wrong to be ill or throw up...You can't stop someone from throwing up or being, it just happens. I swear down Megan has been ill before...I mean come on. Liam came back into the room and sat down beside me and Emma, Emma was now asleep in my arms, light snores escaping her slightly parted lips. I felt her forehead once again and sighed. Her tempreture keeps going up...she keeps becoming hotter every minuet. 

"Dr Holiday said he'd be here first thing tomorrow morning. He said to just let Emma get all the sleep she can." I nodded and smiled. 

"Are you staying Zayn? I can get the extra airbed out..." 

"That's very kind Karen but I can't clutter up the place, you have enough people here!" Karen shook her head at me. 

"No're not driving back to Bradford this late at night and Emma will wonder where you've gone." I sighed and thanked Karen. She always did this. Even if it was like 12 in the afternoon she would insist on us staying. 

Liam's POV 

I walked downstairs at 9am to still see Zayn and Emma asleep on the sofa. Looks like Zayn didn't need the airbed after all. I walked into the kitchen and turned on the kettle. I can't believe Emma is ill. I'm just glad we're not touring. I heard a knock at the door. I quickly headed to open it to see Danielle and Caitlin stood there. I pulled Dani into a hug and sighed. 

"What you doing here?" 

"I heard Emma was Ill so I thought seeing me and Caitlin would cheer her up!" I nodded and signalled for her to come in. At that moment Emma and Zayn began to stir. 


"Good morning Dad" 

"Morning Li." Emma began to rub her eyes, allowing one of her hands to cover her ear. Emma instantly began to cry...I felt so helpless. I took Caitlin off Dani, Dani went to sit beside Emma and pulled her into a hug. Emma's cries settling down. There was another knock on the door. I passed Caitlin to Zayn so I could get the door. Dr Holiday was now stood there. 

"Dr. Holiday please come in!" He walked into the house and into the living room. Instantly walking to Emma. "Emma, this is Dr. Holiday he's going to try and make you feel better okay?" Emma nodded and sighed. Dr. Holiday first checked her ears with a weird looking light thing. 

"So, she has an ear infection...ear drops should sort that within a few days. Emma, I'm just going to check your breathing." He placed his stethoscope onto Emma's chest first. "Cough?" Emma coughed and repeated this with her back. "Respiratory cough is also there. and from the headaches and sickness you told me about Mr. Payne, Emma also has a migraine. Now cough medicene should clear the cough but as for the migraine you will just have to wait for it to wear off. To bring her temperuture down please give her plenty of fluids and cold things such as a wet cloth. If nothing gets better in a week please don't hesitate to call me!" Dr. Holiday stood up and passed me ear drops and cough medicene. I showed Dr. Holiday out. 

"Thankyou Dr, I'll make sure she is taking everything." Dr. Holiday nodded and left. I closed the door behind him. I just want Emma to be better. 

Louis' POV

 "Looks like we maybe staying in Doncaster a little longer El." 

"Why?" El gave me a concerned look and looked at Oscar who was now playing with his toys in the front room. 

"Emma has taken ill and it's bad, So Li is keeping them at Karens for a while. Zayn is also there along with Danielle and Caitlin." El nodded and kissed me slightly. 

"What's going on with Dani and Li anyway?" 

"They are together, as a was only a matter of time, Emma seems to be okay with it and with Dani having Caitlin so I don't see a problem." 

"As long as they are happy, I suppose that's all that matters really." I nodded and walked over to Oscar. 

"Oscar can you put your toys away for me?" Oscar nodded and threw his cars back into the box. Oscar then ran out into the living room to El. I don't understand why Emma is ill, she was fine a few days ago and Liam said she was fine up until about 9 last night. Zayn got there at 11 and said the same thing the doctor did this morning...I just want her to get better soon. Liam will be constantly worrying and knowing Megan could come back, he will be worrying more than ever. I hate seeing my best friends like that...I decided to pull out my phone and tweet on behalf of Emma. 

@Louis_Tomlinson: Liam has a poorly girl...Get well soon Emma x

@Real_Liam_Payne: @Louis_Tomlinson Cheers mate, she's sleeping atm...I hope she gets better soon.

I looked on Liam's twitter to see that he'd tweeted a picture of Emma. 

@Real_Liam_Payne: Thanks for the support guys, My poorly girl will get better soon I promise. x [Twitpic of Emma asleep on the sofa.]

She looks terrible. Let's hope it doesn't last or become something serious or worse...permanent.

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