Chapter 14

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Liam's POV 

"I have a 6 month old daughter" Well that shocked me. Me and Danielle are in the same boat. We both have daughters just different ages.

"Why would freak out?" Danielle shrugged and sighed.

"I just thought that if you knew you woudn't want to give us ago..." I sighed. That's how I felt. I took Dani's hand and smiled. 

"No matter what Dani...I will still want to give us matter what! What's her name?" Danielle smiled. 

"Caitlin, shall I go get her?" I nodded, Dani headed off towards her family and took hold of the gorgeous baby sat on someone's lap. Danielle headed back and sat down beside me. Caitlin was gorgeous. She looks just like Dani. I can't get over how amazing she looks. I smiled at the pair of them. "Still willing to go ahead with this?"

"Of course, meaning looking after this one, giving Emma a motherly figure and a sister, giving Caitlin a fatherly figure? Deffinatly!" 

"So were giving it ago?" I nodded. 

"Lets keep it low key for now...If anyone asks were just friends okay?" Danielle nodded. "May I?" Danielle passed Caitlin to me, I placed her down on my lap and started to pull funny faces at her, making her giggle. I divered my gaze to Emma, she was now smiling widely at Danielle... What had I missed? Emma came back over to us and sat down. The smile never left her face. I really hope this all works out. 

Emma's POV 

I really had no idea what was wrong with me. I was beginning to feel really ill and it was late. Danielle had left to go put Caitlin to bed. Everyone else had gone back to the house to put the kids to bed. Dad decided he wanted to spend more quality time with me so we went for a the cold. I was wearing shorts and a vest top. Really? 

"Dad? Can we go back to nan's please?" 

"Why?" Dad gave me his father concerned look yet again. 

"I don't feel well...I have stomach ache, I feel sick, I'm cold, My ear hurts and I have a bad throat, also when I get to nan's my temperature will shoot me." Dad nodded and began walking back to nan's. As soon as I walked through the door I began to burn up. This is not good. I decided to go straight upstairs and get into my onesie. Once changed into my onesie I headed downstairs and sat beside Dad on the sofa. Dad placed him arm around me, allowing me to put my head on his chest. I hate being ill, I hate it more than shouting and I really hate shouting. The last time I was ill nearly killed me because My mum didn't look after me properly. 

"Are you no better?" Dad looked at me with yet again another concerned face. I shook my head and coughed. My chest becoming tight. Fuck sake. Dad placed his hand on my forehead and sighed. 

"You're burning up hun, want to go to bed?" I shook my head yet again, tears slowly began to left my eyes. Eventually my eyes became heavy and my ears began ringing. One of the things that happens when I cry myself to sleep...My eyes dropped closed.

Zayn's POV

Sitting with my sisters watching Toy Story. Shame Li isn't here. My phone began to vibrate on the kitchen table. I stood up and grabbed it, not bothering too look at the caller ID.


"Liam? What's up mate?" Liam's voice was shaky and full of worry. What the hell had happened? 

"I'm worried about Emma...She's not very well and it's not just a cold." 


"Well, we went to the park as a family. I bumped into Danielle who then told me she had adaughter and we kind of got together..." I cut Liam off short.

"That's all well and good. I knew you two would get together eventually and yes, I know you'll keep a low profile for a while but when I said explain I meant how Em is feeling..." He can be so mature but so dumb at times. Stupid boy. 

"Oh, She says she feels sick, has bad stomach ache, head ache, severe ear ache, she is constantly coughing but when she does it makes it difficult for her to breath and she has a bloody high tempreture...what should I do?" I sighed. 

"Well where is she now?" 


"Just leave her be, I'll be there shortly okay?" 

"Okay bye Zayn." 

"Bye Li." The line when dead. I started to go upstairs when Safaa shouted me.

"Zayn where you going?" I turned around and walked back into the living room.

"I need to go to Liam's your cousin Emma is really ill and Li needs my help..." My 3 sisters nodded and smiled. "Sorry!" 

"It's okay!" I headed upstairs and packed a bag. I gave my sisters kisses and hugs along with my mum and dad...then I left. I jumped in the car and drove to Liam's parents. There's nothing more worrying than having an ill child and not knowing what to do. I just hope it's nothing serious. Liam is worrying enough about everything...Let's just hope it's nothing serious.

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