Chapter 19

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Emma's POV 

Casually sat at home with Danielle, Caitlin and Josh doing nothing...well not unless you class waiting for Dad and my uncles to get back, then we are doing fuck all. Me and Josh are actually sat on the sofa cuddling, watching some wierd film but lets face attention isn't on the film. Caitlin is sat on my lap playing with her teddy bear, laughing away. I actually feel like such an idiot after yesterday, I casually just screamed in my dad's face for no apparent reason and told Josh I was in love with him in the process. It really was not meant to happen the way it did. I planned to wait a couple of months and tell him over dinner but that ship seems to have sailed. I guess I'm just not the brightest sprak in my Family. 


"Yes Em?" 

"I'm really sorry about yesterday. It never meant to happen the way it did, I just got lost in my ang-" Josh cut me off by crashing his lips onto mine. There they were, yet again...the sparks flew. I raised my hand to the back of Josh's neck, pulling him closer to me, his hand trailed around to the small of my back rotating his finger in a circle shape. 

"Josh are you okay with chick-Woah, okay...I'll erm, leave you guys...yeah. I'm just going to leave..." Danielle left the room and back into the kitchen. I assume we're having some form of chicken curry as that's all I can smell right now. Me and Josh seperated and sat back in the positions we were in before. 

"I assume we are having some chicken based meal?" Danielle walked back into the living room, holding 2 glasses of coke. She placed the glasses down on the coffee table and laughed. 

"I see you two have stopped sucking face?" Haha, hilarious Danielle. 

"Yes and I see that we have bored Caitlin that much the she's fallen asleep on my chest..." Danielle nodded and once again left the front room. I seriously have nothing against Danielle, she's amazing and such a better mother than mine. Living with her isn't half as bad as what I first thought it would be.

"Emma? You know I thought what you said yesterday was cute...even if it was out of anger, I feel the same way. I just never knew how or when to tell you. You are so cute and really pretty. I think that any lad would be so lucky to have you as theirs." Josh moved his head to face the door, as if what he had just said was the most embarressing thing he had ever said. 

"Then why don't you, erm- I mean, You know, become that lad to call me his own?" Josh's head snapped away from the door, making eye contact with me. 

"Are you being serious Emma? You want me to you know...?" I nodded. A wide smile errupted on his face. At the exsact moment Dad and my Uncles walked through the door. 

Harry's POV 

"Alright guys, calm down. Lets not let on to Emma just yet." Ah, Daddy Direction is back. What a suprise. All 5 of us burst through the door to the smell of Chicken Curry. No suprise then that Niall's stomach instatly started to rumble. I playfully slapped him on the back of the head. 

"What was that for?" I sent a meaningful stare to Niall and he shut up. 

"Oh, hey guys. Dinners nearly ready. Em, Josh can you come to the table? Bring Caitlin." I glanced over to the sofa where Emma and Josh were sat, they were sat a little too close for comfort for my liking. They both instantly stood up and walked over to the table. Emma situating Caitlin on her hip, Danielle took Caitlin off Emma and set her in her high chair. Me and the lads sat around the table as Dani dished out the dinner. I sat beside Liam, who had Dani the other side. Niall sat next to Dani and Louis was on the end. Zayn was then sat next to Em who was sat next to Josh and then Caitlin on the end in her high chair. Danielle had cooked us up a chicken curry with popadoms and naan bread, and it was amazing. 

"I have news" Liam and Emma said at the same time. Oh god. 

"Go on, you first dad." 

"Well, today I went to court...obviously." Oh well done Li. Clever man. "And The court told me that I get to keep you for the next 3 years because Megan failed the test. In 3 years time Megan may apply for the battle again but by which time Emma will be old enough to decide what she wants for herself and can come to court with me to share her side of the story." 

"Aww, well done babe." Danielle lent towards Liam and planted a small, peaceful kiss on his lips. SOMEONE GRAB ME A BUCKET. I have a feeling Emma's news is about her and Josh. I'm not going to like this. 

"I'm glad I'm staying with you Dad! I also have news...Me and Josh are a relationship." Wait what? The 3 words 'In a relationship' rang through my head repeatedly. What?

"Excuse me?" I asked, looking right into Emma's eyes. 

"We're in a relationship..." 

"No, you're not." 

"Why not Haz? Jealous that your step-bro can get someone and you can't?" Josh teased and Louis instantly started to crack up. I stared Lou don't and once he knew I was serious he stopped.

"No. That is not it. I got told to look after you...not let you get into a relationship with some girl who happens to be my best friends daughter who in theory has severe I'm not having it." I clapped my hand over my mouth once I realised what I said. Shit. No one was meant to know that...She told me that in pure confidence. I also know she's not been taking the medication for a while...explaining the frequent break downs. 

"HARRY." Emma stood up and slammed her clenched fists on the table. Never has she called me Harry. It's always Uncle Harry or Haz. "I told you that in pure confidence and you told me you wouldn't tell anyone. I knew I could never trust any of you. I thought you would be happy for me and Josh but no. You're only ever happy when you're in Harry's world. Well let me pull you into reality. IT'S NOT ALWAYS ABOUT YOU." 

"Emma, calm" 

"No dad. No I wont. I'm entitled to date who I want. You do...Harry takes in any women he can lay his hands on and he doesn't get done for it. Why should we? I love Josh and it's clear none of you care. I have no idea why I'm even here. Just piss off and leave me alone." With that Emma stormed out the dinning room and upto hers. Slamming the door in the process. Nice going Harry. Well fucking done. 

"You and I are talking when we get home Josh and no buts..." I sat back down and placed my head in my hands. Tears instantly falling from my eyes. 

Emma's POV 

I rushed into the en suite bathroom too my room to find a packet of razors on the sink. Without thinking twice I took on of the razors and steadied it on my wrist, striking it across making a clean cut. I made a few more cuts before throwing the razor in the bin. I grabbed a damp flannel and wrapped it around my wrist until the bleeding stopped. I don't think anyone realise what it feels like to cut. It takes the pain least for a while. This is the first time I'd cut since being with Dad. He never knew about my depression until that dick I call my Uncle told everyone. No doubt he's told everyone I don't take my tablets either. Since being with Dad I've managed to hide my bad days quite well with either being quiet or sleeping alot. I would break down alot but Dad always thought that was due to my mum. Today was actually a really good day for me up until Harry told me and Josh we couldn't be together but I tell you something that's the last time I ever go to him for anything. I walked out of the bathroom into my room and changed into my pj's. I climbed into bed and just cried. I was crying for about an hour when I eventually worn myself out and cried myself to sleep...

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