Chapter 22

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Emma's POV

-1 year later-

The past year has been lets say eventful? One Direction released their 9th album followed up with a tour and not just a UK tour...A world tour and I mean a world tour. Everything was going great. During last year my mother had only turned up twice to try and get me back, both times of which she walked into Paul and Simon or the police. The police caught my mum and took her away, she later got put into prison for attemped kidnapping after Dad pressed charges and for the abuse of A class drugs...Mean Dad has full custody forever. Dad and Danielle's relationship has been and still is going strong. Dad proposed to Danielle last month and she gladly accepted. A few months after Danielle living with us I began to call her Mum because that's what she feels like. Caitlin is now 1 and a half, she has come on so much, she is no longer the shy little girl she used to be, she's constantly crawling or attempting to walk long distances around everywhere, she's cute and so adorable. I never knew that a 1 year old could have so much energy. 2 months ago Dad decided to move into a bigger house and move out of the flat now that Cait is growing up, we are now living within 15 minuets of each of my Uncles. The house is incredible, big, spacious...My room is just heaven. 

Me and Josh I hear you ask? We have been in a relationship for practically a year. We had a bust up a couple of months ago about moving out and finding somewhere for us both to live but I didn't want to leave home even if I was now 16. Josh headed back to Harry's childhood home after the bust up for about 3 months until he came back and realised how much we missed each other. I can honestly say I've never felt this way about anyone, I've never loved anyone like I love Josh. Josh spoke to Robin about living down in London with us guys and Robin agreed by saying something along the lines of 

'Your life Josh you do what you think is best, Emma is a great girl and I'm happy you found her, go be happy with her, your 16 and able to make mature desicions.'

Of course Robin and Anne told him he had to go and visit every so often like Harry does and they expect me to go as well which Dad didn't mind, Dad loves Anne and Robin like his own parents. Now we both live with Dad. Josh works as a young doctor in Great Ormond Street Hospital, 2 days a week. He also works in a bakery to bring in a little more money for us both. I got offered a record deal from Simon which I accepted but told him that I want at least a year to rest and write and record before telling people or before my first single comes out. I decided to take the same career path as my Dad because its something I enjoy not because I think I'm all this because in all fairness I think I'm the worse singer ever but according to Simon Cowell, the man who knows talent, I'm not so I don't argue. What's the point in doing a job that you don't enjoy? If I wasn't working in the music industry I would be either a teacher, teaching Maths or Biology or I would work as a midwife. My 'Severe Depression' has stopped for now but I'm still taking my medication as it could start up again at any point. During the course of this year I've only had 11 bad days, one every month. I haven't had one since which is good, I'm alot happier in myself as well as in general.

Uncle Zayn has been on a rocky road this past year. After the album release and the world tour, Zayn came back to London and hit things of with Little Mix, band member Perrie Edwards. The pair are still together and now living in our old flat. They have been together for about 8 months, despite this Perrie is now expecting their first child and too be honest I've never seen Zayn this happy. Before Zayn got with Perrie, he took a turn for the worst and turned to the likes of Alcohol and rozor blades to help him deal with the fact everyone was settling down and he wasn't but he soon stopped when Simono brought him back into reality and told him if he didn't quit he was going to be kicked out. 

Uncle Niall hasn't changed much. He still has the appitite of a horse and still shares the love for Nandos. After 16 years of waiting for the princess of his life, Niall finally found Jess. They both met on the campus of the Uni me and Josh are attending in between me being a singer and Josh working. Jess was Josh's law teacher. Niall came into to the Uni to drop off a note from my Dad he his laid eyes on her. From that moment you know he liked her, they went on a few dates and made it all official 2 months ago as we moved into our new house. Niall's Irish charm is still making girls around the world faint whenever he speaks in an interview or something...he's not lost his touch...and still my Fav Uncle....EVER. 

Uncle Harry, tried to have another relationship about 6 months ago with Caroline Flack. After 3 months of trying again Harry found out Caroline had just done the same as she did before. She was caught in some park apparently having a picnic with her family but she was away from her family and was snogging some lads face off, she was then caught leaving this lads house the morning after. Harry was torn to pieces. Caroline had made a big speech to us all about how she had changed and she still loved Harry, She would never cheat again, was also said in the speech. In theory she hadn't changed at all and we all knew it. She had always been too go to be true. After this Harry took a break from us all down in London and went back to his Mum and Robins for about a month. According to Robin who had spoken to me and Josh, Harry had hardly left his room, he had to be forced to eat and he was always crying and Robin wasn't joking. Me and Josh decided to go visit them all and Harry was a mess. Harry eventually came back down to London after serious conversations to join us all again. Harry then went on a decided he wanted to remain single and 'Experiment' until he found the right girl. He didn't mean going out and having sex and seeing which one was better in bed, no he'd meet a girl, take her on a few dates and then he'd realise whether she was for him or not. Unlucky for Uncle Harry he still hasn't found that girl yet and remains the only single member of One Direction. 

Uncle Louis is a whole different story. Louis and Eleanor are still going strong in their marriage of 5 years. Eleanor had decided to go and get a career in teaching, teaching Mathmatics in a secondary school. 5 months ago Eleanor gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Sophia Louise Tomlinson. She is stunning. Oscar is now 3 years old and loves his little sister alot. He will always come and tell you stories about what he's helped El or Lou with to do with Sophia. I adore the pair of them. They are amazing and the best cousins ever. Lou and Eleanor decided to take a holiday during the month Harry was at Anne's. They decided to go to Barbados, just the two of them. Leaving Sophia and Oscar in the hands of me and Josh for the week. It was amazing. It made me and Josh realise how much we wanted kids but we also decided to wait until we can cope properly. When Lou and Eleanor got back Sophia took a turn for the worst and scares us all when she became drasically ill. She was emitted to hospital and was diagnosed with a mild dose of astma, which was expected because Oscar has the same but it doesn't show that often because it's not major. 

As for the career and life of One Direction...their fanbase is still the biggest ever. The fans that were like 14/15 when they first got together are now like 30/31 and are still supporting the band. The lads still love doing their job even if they are settling down. In all honesty I don't think the life of One Direction will ever die. From being soloists on the xfactor to be put into what is now the most famous worldwide know boyband EVER is incredible. As the boys fandom say 

'From the bottom of the stairs to the top of the world' it's incredible.

 And that it is. 

The past year has been incredible but I'm pretty sure we still have the rest of the 

'Rollercoaster that is life'

 To live. So lets start living it.

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