Chapter 21

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Harry's POV 

Let's just say that last night turned worse after the bust up with Emma. The bust up I had with Josh was worse and now Liam, Danielle and Eleanor want us to go around for dinner because Lou and El have news but too be fair, I don't want to go. I can't bare to see Josh with Em, acting all lovey dovey knowing how happy their relationship will be when I can't get my own. Josh is my step-bro, I'm supposed to look after him right? Meant to support him through everything? But that seems to be failing. 

"OI, DICKFACE. YOUR PHONES GOING OFF." Josh is such a douche. Dickface...I may have a dick but it's sure not on my face. I ran upstairs and grabbed my phone, pressing it to my ear. 


"Hey Haz, you coming tonight? We need to sort this out bro" 

"Louis, just drop it man. My Step-brother and niece hate me, you and El have news...I don't think I should really be going but Josh will be..." 

"Harry, come on...for me?" I sighed and ran my hand through my curls. 

"Fine. I'll be there around half 6...I still need to get changed." I heard Louis laugh and Oscar began screaming in the background. 

"Okay, Look I gotta go see you later." 

"Bye." The line went dead. God. I really don't want to go. Why does Louis have to be so convincing.

"JOSH. I KNOW YOU HATE ME RIGHT NOW BUT GET DRESSED WERE GOING ROUND TO LIAM'S FOR DINNER." Josh appeared in the doorway to my room, already dressed and ready, smelling of highly strong aftershave. 

"Who said I hated you? I didn't. You're still my step-brother, you can't change that. I just want you to give me and Emma a chance Harry but if we go tonight you sort this whole thing out." I nodded and sighed. Josh smiled and left to go downstairs. I got changed into my light blue polo shirt, white chinos, white converse and grey blazer. I quickly ran my hand through my hair once again. I headed downstairs into the living room, grabbed my keys and walked out the flat with Josh.

"I can try and give you and Em a chance Josh but I can't garentee it will work out..." 

"thanks bro." Josh clapped me on the back and walked into Li's flat. I followed and closed the door behind me. 

Louis' POV 

I'm glad Harry turned upto dinner, this has all got to be sorted out. Emma has depression and needs all the help she can get. Not having any of us there, she could break at any minuet. Dinner had finally been cooked and we all sat around to enjoy it. I say so far everything is going well, apart from the fact Oscar decided to throw sauce at Caitlin. Harry and Emma kept sharing awkward looks to each other but it's all good. 

"Emma, look I'm sorry about last night." Well done Haz. Be the bigger person. Eleanor and Danielle lowered their heads in their hands and sighed. 

"I don't want to hear it Harry. You tore me apart last night." 

"And I'm truely sorry, I should never have said what I did but I've realised that if you and Josh want to be together then you can be. There's nothing I can do to stop you. I'm a dick and I realise that Em. I'm sorry." Harry smiled at Em and shoveled another fork of food into his mouth. 

"Fine, I forgive you and thankyou." Okay, that's solved. Harry is Em's uncle again and Josh and Em are together...Thank god for that. We all finished our meals and decided to have a conversation about kids...

"So, you think you'll have anymore Liam?" Liam looked at Danielle who just smiled. Liam nodded.

"I hope so, I love Em and Caitlin...Maybe sometime in the future we will have like 20 kids..." Liam laughed. Danielle's eyes widened, sending the whole table into fits of laughter.

"Yeah, I don't think so babe...not 20 anyway. What about you Lou? Want anymore?" Danielle winked at me, I instantly smiled...wait what? Eleanor shot me a sympathetic look...She told Danielle. What? 

"Well, 7 months to be exsact..." Gasps were now filling the dinning room. I lent down and pressed a gental kiss onto Eleanors lips. Harry started wolf whistling along with Niall and Zayn. Wow...What a suprise...they did the exsact same when we let out about El being pregnant with Oscar. 

"Well congrats Uncle Lou...I'M GOING TO HAVE A NEW COUSIN! WOOP!" 

"Not a real one, haha" Everyone was once again in fits of laughter until we were silenced by a knocking on the door. I stood up and opened the door to see Megan stood there yet again. 

"I don't think you should be here..." Megan tried to push her way passed me which eventually worked because I was too weak to be able to fight with her. I couldn't be bothered. She isn't worth my energy. 

"Come on Emma, get your stuff." 

"I'm not going anywhere..." Megan walked over to Emma and grabbed her arm, pulling her out the flat. "GET OFF ME...LET ME GO...MUM YOUR HURTING ME." Tears were now falling rapidly from Em's eyes, terror and horror plastered all over her face. Megan was kidnapping Emma...

Unfortunately for her, she walked straight into Paul and Simon. UNLUCKY BITCH. 

"I think you should choose the senscible idea of letting Emma go don't you Megan?" Without thinking twice Megan let go and turned to us lot. 

"Don't think this is the end...I'll get her me." Emma ran straight back to us and into Josh's arms. 

"Em, don't worry. Megan isn't taking you anywhere...I'm not going to let here and neither is Liam. You're his princess, he's not going to lose you...and that's a promise."

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