Chapter 9

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Liam's POV 

Megan lent into kiss me. What the fuck was she doing? I put my hand on her shoulder and pushed her back. 

"What on earth do you think you are doing Megan?" 

"Kissing my baby boy..." I laughed. 

"I don't bloody think so..." Megan lent in for a 2nd time to kiss me, only this time not reaching me because of Zayn holding her back. This is ridiculous. 

"Why not?" I looked over to Emma. Still sobbing into Harry's chest. Poor girl. How can a mother be like this on her own daughter. 

"Harry can you please take Emma inside?" Harry nodded and took Emma into the flat. "Because Megan you are an idiot. You drink and take drugs. That's why you put Emma into care. You don't desereve anyone or anything." 

"B-b-ut, I love you and Emma...I want to be a proper family." Really? Really? I don't think so. I heard footsteps come out of the elevator...only person I could think of is Paul. I checked the time on my phone...7pm. Shit. Concert starts at half past. Damn Megan turning up. 

"Well, it aint happening Megan. Get the fuck out." 

"I'm going nowhere Liam..." 


"I'M NOT LEAVING WITHOUT EMMA!!!" I saw Emma stood at the stop of the stairs, tears falling from her eyes. 

"SHUT UP THE PAIR OF YOU." Emma walked down the stairs and into the doorway. "I don't want to leave with you mum. You're messed up and Dad can look after me much better than you. I'm happy here. Just stop shouting...I don't like it!" Emma's hands covered her ears, trying to drown out the sound of shouting. Why didn't Emma like shouting? 

"You see what you've done to your own daughter Megan? You've ruined her..." Megan was now sat against the wall crying her eyes out. I didn't have symapthy for her. I walked over to Emma, pulled her hands away from her ears and pulled her into a hug. 

Paul coughed. "What is going on here? Boys it's 7:15...You're due on stage for your last concert in 15 minuets...we need to go." 

"Get Megan out of here and make sure she doesn't come back." I walked Emma out of the hotel, getting in the car sat outside waiting for us. The lads and Paul soon followed suit. Emma was sat next to me still crying in my arms. I feel so sorry for her. Her mother is a dick and I'm a bloke who isn't sure on what he is doing. 

"You okay Emma?" Emma nodded. The lads giving my sypathetic looks. I never expected Megan to turn up like that. Why was she trying to ruin everything? Everything was good...

Emma's POV 

1 hour later. 

Dad and my uncles were now on stage...performing for the last time before we all fly back to the UK in a few days. I was left backstage in a state of being scared and upset. My mum was a complete dickhead. She always has to ruin everything. I was also left backstage looking after Oscar who was luckily asleep...This is basically how me being scared of shouting happened. I was upsairs looking after Charlie, Mum was downstair shouting at Jack...I slowly let myself fall to sleep, nightmares and flashbacks taking over... 


I was sat upstairs, trying to calm Charlie down so he could sleep. Mum and Jack were back from where ever they had been...obviously out drinking. 

"What the fuck do you mean I'm a dick. You're the only dick around here." I hear mum shouting...This wasn't the first time this had happened, too be fair it scared me to shit. Charlie began crying, he crawled onto my lap, resting his head onto my chest. 




"OH FUCK OF JACK. YOU'RE A DICK." I heard the cuterly draw open and close. Meaning one of them had gotten a knife. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs...too light to be Jack's. My mum opened the door to Charlie's room, making sure it slammed. Jack run up to Charlie's room...

"What the fuck are you doing Megan?" 

"You say I don't care about Emma, let's make that reality shall we?" Mum held the knife behind her back...

I woke up screaming. I quickly sat up, sweat dripping from my forehead. Tears began to fall from my eyes. Oscar began to stir in his sleep. His eyes slowly opening. 

"Oscar, I'm sorry for waking you!" I got up off the sofa I was sat on and sat on the other one, pulling Oscar onto my lap. I can't believe my mum would have this effect on me. Everyone came back from performing, Oscar was now asleep on my lap. Tear were still falling from my eyes. I hated this. I'd not had these nightmares for a while...why had they started now? 

Louis' POV 

We all came off stage, buzzing. The last concert before heading home. I could go see Eleanor. Liam wasn't as energetic tonight, I couldn't figure what was up, maybe he was worried about Emma. Megan just turning up like that couldn't have helped anything. I heard Emma crying from the room she was left in before the show. 

"Lou, you coming?" 

"I'm just going to check on them 2..." Harry nodded and carried on walking with the lads. I walked into the room to see Oscar asleep on Emma's lap, Emma still crying. I went and sat beside Emma. 

"Emma are you okay?" Emma shook her head. This is not right. Megan had really fucked everything up.

"Seeing my mum today has brought back my nightmares..." She paused, her sobs turning into loud cries. "It's horrible Uncle Lou!" I pulled her into a hug, her head resting on my chest. 

"Would you like to talk about it?" 

"No, it will just upset me more. I just don't want her taking me anywhere." 

"Shush, one is taking you anywhere...Li isn't going to let that happen. He loves you too much, I promise. Shall I let you into a secret?" Emma nodded. "Before Li met you, he planned to ring up Megan and start things new with her, start a family with her and everything but when he recived the letter about you, he knew he only wanted you...Now he's scared to loose you Em, trust me...he's afraid. Just like you are..." Emma sighed. I wiped away her tears and kissed her head. 

"You're just saying that to make me feel one cares about me. I'm just simple 'Emma Louise Payne' who has a drug, alcoholic model for a mother and famous boyband member for a dad but no one still gives a shit." 

"Now that's not true and you know it. We all love you...Even Oscar loves you Emma. Oscar takes 3-4 days to get used to new people but he bonded with you straight away. Don't let anyone get you down. We are always here to talk to okay?" Emma nodded and let herself fall asleep. Soon enough I was joined by the other lads. 

"Everything alright Lou?" I shook my head and sighed. I wasn't in the mood to explain to everyone right now. I decided to ignore them and let my thoughts wonder. Why would Megan be such a dick? I want to know about these 'nightmares' Emma has been having...Why were they happening? I didn't want Emma feeling like she didn't belong with Liam because she did, she desereved to be with him so much. She was the final puzzle piece to Liam's life. She couldn't leave now. I will find out what these nightmares are about...Emma needs comfort and support...the comfort and support she may not have got from her mum...She needed to feel worth something...

She was special...

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