Most people will tell you that middle school relationships never last.. I still don't know to this day if they last or not. I wish they did last, I really do.
Some people find love, true love, and they live with that love for the rest of their lives. They cherish that love 'until death parts them.' Yet not even death could part me from him. I don't think he will ever know how much he meant to me, I wish I could just show him somehow. I regret many things in my life so far, I regret saying things to certain people and doing things that I knew might hurt them. Of course I've apologised, of course I've said that I didn't mean it or that I must of made a mistake.
The truth is there are only so many good moments in life that you will get to experience. Instead of apologising for not being able to do it, or maybe you did it and feel awful about it. Don't. Don't feel bad about the thing you did, even if you took drugs, kissed another person when you know that you don't really want a relationship with that person, Maybe it was a close friend. Whatever it was, don't think about it too much, let it go.
I know I haven't really started the story yet, I'm not quite sure how I should start.. I guess everything about I write about is completely random and useless. I'll try and start my 'story' next chapter. I might make it a diary of some sort. heh I'm sorry I'm so un-organised.
"I wish I could hurt you the way you hurt me. But I know that if I had the chance, I wouldn't do it."