Today was the sort of day not many people would forget, Your first day of high school. A new start, a new chance to try and not screw things up. Yeah, well guess what I'm good at, I'm good at screwing things up. Luckily I had one friend, she had moved over from the same country, we had been friends for about 5 years.
I'm not sure why people think making friends is hard, I mean I can make friends I just don't really want to have that many friends. In my case having a guy best friend would be the BEST thing ever, but not here because they're just so immature.
I knew I loved him the moment I set my eyes on him. Sitting in a room bursting with people, and he was staring at me. ME. The thing with me is that I blush a lot, I mean A LOT. Even if its only one of my friends talking to me, I blush. However I didn't blush, nor did I look away. His eyes locked with mine, and mine locked with his. His eyes were beautiful, I know you can't really describe a boy as 'pretty' but there was always something I saw in him that was different. There was also something else I saw in his eyes. I saw warmth, I saw something that I can't find any more, something I can't really explain, I saw Love.
"Don't let people treat you like a cigarette, They only use you when they are bored and step on you when you're done. Be like drugs, let them die for you."