Chapter 10 - Brother

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"Sammy," called Daniel, stepping forward slowly, keeping his twin brothers behind him. "Who's your friend?"

Sammy looked to Katelyn, asking her without words what he should do. As much as he wanted to keep her identity a secret, he couldn't lie to his brothers. And somehow, after watching him closely, Katelyn knew how he felt. So, nodding with a smile, she turned to the boys again and approached them with caution.

"I'm Katelyn," she said, holding out her hand. Daniel narrowed his eyes at her, trying to decipher her motions and intentions with his elder brother.

"Daniel, don't be rude," scolded Sammy, crossing his arms with warning. Grudgingly, Daniel let out a heavy sigh and shook her hand stiffly. The twins skipped past Daniel suddenly and smiled up at her, snatching up her hands and shaking them forcefully, so much Katelyn feared they would fall off.

"We're twins," they chimed in time. Katelyn laughed as they introduced themselves separately and marvelled in how to tear them apart. They looked the same, right down the chin and straight nose. They were skinny and each had a smear of dirt under their left eye. Had they done that on purpose?

Sammy came close and whispered in her ear, "Lewis has a different colour eye."

Katelyn looked then, closely and saw that he was right. William had a pair of green eyes, deep like the forest. Lewis has one green, one brown like tree bark.

"Hey, why did you tell her?" shrieked Lewis, running to his big brother and punching him in the gut. It didn't look like it hurt, but Sammy pretended it did; groaning and falling back in play. William quickly joined in, leaping on his back and strangling Sammy with his arms under his neck. Daniel rolled his eyes and went over to Harry to take him out harm's way. Cecil stepped forward, watching his family with a smile.

"I'm Cecil, by the way," he said, reaching out for Katelyn. She smiled at him, shaking his hand. "Are they always like this?" she asked.

"It's gotten worse, since our mother died," he replied with a sigh, pushing up his glasses by the rim.

Katelyn stared at him. "What?"

"Oh, I assumed you knew," he stuttered, scratching his arm nervously. She shook her head and looked to Sammy, his brothers on either side of him; smiling and playing rock, paper scissors. Their smiles came so easily, she never would have guessed they lost the most important woman in their lives. She felt her throat close and her heart tightened. How are they keeping themselves together? Katelyn knew she would be an emotional wreck, if anything happened to either one of her parents. But seeing Sammy smile, the sparkle in his eyes as his brothers laughed at him when he lost, Katelyn knew how he hadn't broken down. The answer was in the five boys around him.

Sammy looked up then, catching her eye. Her lips trembling, she smiled at him. He frowned slightly, wondering why she looked distressed. So admitting defeat, he got to his feet and walked over to her; Daniel watching them as he stroked Harry's cheek. Cecil nodded to Katelyn and went to replace Sammy in the twin's game.

"What's wrong?" he asked softly, his hands in his pockets. Katelyn looked around the room at the boys and sucked in a breath.

"I'm sorry about your mother," she whispered. Sammy opened his mouth to speak, before Harry started crying. He turned to see Daniel shushing him and rocking his cot slightly, but he was still crying. Shadowing him, Katelyn followed Sammy over to the baby and looked inside to Harry's face bright red and small tears running down his cheeks. Sammy reached in and placed Harry over his shoulder; rubbing his back.

"Hey, it's okay" he whispered. Lewis and William had their hands over their ears and their eyes closed tightly. "Did you two feed him today?"

The two boys shook their heads, frowning. Cecil rushed over to the supply closet, collecting a bottle of milk and returning hastily. Sammy walked over to his bed and sitting down, placed Harry in the nook of his arm and asked for the bottle. Although he knew his baby brother preferred warm milk, cold will have to do. Harry fought the bottle for a moment, his wailing intensifying. From the forge below, Katelyn heard their father yell. "Will you keep him quiet! I'm trying to work here!"

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