Chapter 35 - The Crystal Cave

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Sammy had gravely underestimated the power of darkness. Even with a lit torch in hand, he could see only a few feet in front of him. Beyond, lay the unknown.

They had left the light of day far behind them. And the warmth, Sammy's shivering body coldly reminded him. They had walked for what felt like miles, keeping a hand on the right side of the narrowing tunnel. It had been the span of both his arms, and almost three times his height. But now, as they ventured further and deeper into the earth, it felt like it was shrinking around them.

Everything within was horribly cold and damp, with a very pungent, neglected smell; like an open waste pit. Sammy had to hold his breath or breathe through his nose once or twice, when the smell became more potent.

The path, from what he could see, was just a covering of earth upon stone. It was, by no means, a torch lit walkway. Sammy didn't bother looking above him, knowing well he wouldn't be able to see an end.

For the moment, it seemed they were heading in a straight line. But where? If he believed the stories, and for the most part he did, the mountains were supposed to be swarming with tunnels, like a complicated, dangerous maze, full of twists and turns. Had they struck good luck at last? Had they discovered the one and only tunnel that went straight to the doors of Hellmore? Sammy frowned. He didn't believe in luck, especially when he looked back on previous experience.

He sighed, coming to a stop. Katelyn bumped straight into him, her grunt echoing off the closed walls around them. He turned round, keeping the light and warmth of the torch between them.

"What are you doing?" she whispered, although it sounded more like a hiss. Sammy looked down to the ball of string in her hands and held his breath. Before entering the tunnels, she'd secured one end of the string to a huge rock near the entrance. While he led the way, Katelyn left a trail of their progress. But now, that ball was shrinking dramatically. But they hadn't walked that far surely. Had they?

"Does something smell funny to you?" he asked softly.

She wrinkled up her nose. "It's just damp, Sam-"

"No, I don't mean the cave. I mean, the path we're taking," he amended, watching her in the dim light. "We're heading in a straight line. We have been since we started. And in all that time, not once have we encountered a corner, not even a small passageway into a cavern or onto another path. Now, we've had some really bad luck in the past, so I can't believe this will take us straight there, to the castle gates."

Katelyn looked past him for a moment, then glanced over her shoulder. In her eyes, he saw his words registering and hoped she too came to suspect foul play. She pursed her lips, turning the ball of string over and over in her hands.

"Okay," she whispered. "It is...odd, but we haven't been walking for very long, have we? There may be a turning ahead."

"And if there isn't?" he challenged. "I know we're on a deadline, but are you hundred percent ready to face the Justice? Head on?"

"I told you," she pressed with a rolling of the eyes. "One step at a time. Find the castle, and then worry about the Justice. Alright?"

Sammy could hear the growing irritation in her voice. It was a warning all its own to stop fighting and move on. Time was wasting and here he was, ranting and raving about his fears. But at the same time as wanting to break down, he wanted to stand up.

"Katelyn, you can't tell me that none of this-" he waved his hand side to side frantically, "is raising any warning bells. Because this, to me, feels all kinds of wrong. It's's just too good to be true."

She slapped a frustrated hand over her face and groaned. "Sammy, for the love of the Gods, stop! Please."

He felt his burning rage subside immediately, catching the shine in her eyes. She turned away, her eyes closed and a deep breath escaped her; a cloud of white appeared then vanished suddenly.

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