Chapter 9: Cravings

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Hey guys! So I have no idea how the chapter got out of order but this is Chapter 9 so you have to scroll down and read chapter 8 first. I'll try and fix that.

Renesmee's POV

12 weeks

It's been 2 months. Morning sickness is gone. Finally. I've also got a small bump. I though maybe since the baby is part vampire he would grow faster but I was wrong. We still don't know the gender but I'm still saying he.

"Aww!" Alice yells while I'm standing in the kitchen looking through the pantry.

"What's so cute?" I ask looking around.

"You have a baby bump!" She says excitedly.

"You know what else I have? I have food and I have a couch and Netflix. So if you'll excuse me I'm going to lay down," I say while laughing a little.

"Ah, come on aren't you at least a little excited about your baby watermelon bump?" She asks.

"Of course I am. I'm also really excited about food," I say and open the freezer. She laughs.

"Ok I know Jake and I are the only ones who actually eat here but can you at least make sure there is freaking ice cream in the freezer!" I raise my voice a bit. Just then Jake walks in the door. He had went out about an hour and a half ago.

"Ok I bought Nutella, ice cream,-" I cut him off by kissing him.

"Enough said," I say and take the ice cream and Nutella to the living room. He laughs. I haven't been to the cottage much because for one I'm lazy and two Alice and Rose want to see me like 24/7. Plus I think Mom and Dad like their alone time. If you know what I mean. Wink wink. Also eww.

When I sit down I place my hand on my little bump. Esme comes and sits next to me.

"How are doing?" She asks sweetly.

"I'm good," I say while opening the tub of strawberry ice cream.

"Can you grab me a spoon?!" I yell to Jake in the kitchen. He laughs and I hear the draw of silver wear open.

"How's the baby?" She asks.

"My little watermelon bump, as Alice likes to call him, is doing just fine. Giving me cravings and making me tired," I say. She smiles at me. Jake comes in the room with a spoon and plops down on the couch next to me.

As we sit on the couch we watch TV and I eat. I get up and put the ice cream and Nutella away then I lay back down on the couch. Eventully, I drift off to sleep.

"Nessi," Jake whispers.

"Huh?" I ask as I'm waking up.

"Wanna go out for dinner?" Jake asks once I'm sitting up and more awake.

"What kind of question is that. Of course I do," I laugh. He smiles.


It's around 5pm when we leave to go out to eat. There aren't many restaurnts in Forks so we go to Port Angels. It's an hour or so drive there.

"Oh come on. You don't even think a little tiny bit that it's a girl?" Jake asks.

"Nope," I say with a smile. He chuckles.

When we finally reach the restaurant we wanted to go to Jake gets us a table while I go to the bathroom.

There is a women in what looks like her late thirties who looks down at my stomach and gives me a dirty look. The girl next to her looks at me and gives me a warm smile. The older woman grabs her by the arm and tugs her away.

Maybe I shouldn't have worn a tight shirt. Whatever. I think to myself. Once I'm done in the bathroom I head to the table Jake is sitting at.

"You alright?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I smile. He smiles back.

We order drinks and look at the menu.

"So much food," I laugh. He smiles.

Once we order Jake asks,

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course," I smile.

"Are we ready for this?" He asks. I take a deep breath.

"I don't think anyone is ever ready for this," I say and look into his chocolaty brown eyes.


We finish up our food then head back to the car.

"Thank you," I say.

"Anytime," He smiles.

He starts driving but not to the house. Instead he drives to a parking lot out in the middle of pretty much no were.

"What are we doing?" I ask. He gets out of the car and opens the door for me. He takes my hand and climbs on the hood of the car. We lay back and look up at the stars.

"They're beautiful," I whisper. I turn my head to look at him. He's already looking at me. I stare into his eyes that melt my heart. I scoot closer to him.

"Kiss me," I whisper. He smiles but doesn't hesitate. It's a gentle kiss. A sweet kiss.

"I love you," He whispers.

"I love you too," I whisper.

Thanks for reading! Anything ideas for the next chapter

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