Chapter Five

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Millicent peeked open her eyes, sunlight drifting in through the window in her room. She sat up, confused about where she was before remembering yesterday's events. She was at the Ashton Estate. She was also a housemaid. Millicent pulled herself from the tangled sheets. She searched around for her plain, brown skirt and white blouse. She didn't have a uniform made for her yet, so this would have to do. After tugging her hair into a somewhat respectable knot, Millicent went to find Annabelle. She found her in the kitchen, sweeping the floors and wiping down the counters. They were preparing for that mornings breakfast. Annabelle lit up with a smile when she saw her. Even though Millicent didn't particularly favor the girl, it felt nice to know somebody at this strange place. Especially being so far away from home.

"Miss Millicent, good morning! You will be taking the masters's their breakfasts today!" Annabelle handed her a tray, the tea cups on it clattering against each other. "You have to make the tea first. Mr. Theodore Ashton, the man you met yesterday, he likes two teaspoons of honey in his tea. His father Mr. Elliot Ashton takes his with two cubes of sugar and a dash of milk. Now, off you go."

Millicent fumbled with the tray that had been shoved into her arms. She almost tripped over her skirt hem. "Where will I find them?"

"Most likely the library. I will have Miss Isabella show you where it is."

Millicent set the tray down near the stove and searched for a tea kettle in the cabinets above her. A heavy skillet fell out, almost clonking her in the head had the young cook not caught it in time. He smiled at her and set the skillet down, "Are you alright, miss? You are new here, correct?" Millicent nodded, finding herself at a loss for words. The young man shook his head. "I thought so. What are you looking for?"

"The tea kettle."

He searched around for a bit."Here you are."

"Thank you Mr...."

"Mr. Elijah Hamilton."

"I'm Miss Millicent Thorne."

She found herself unable to tear her eyes away from him. She had never seen skin so dark and rich in color. She thought that maybe if she touched him, her finger would come away with a dusting of chocolate. She shook the silly thought from her head and filled the tea kettle with water. Be sensible, Millicent. She always got herself in trouble when thinking silly thoughts. She couldn't let this be one of those times.

Millicent poured the tea a short moment later, hefting the tray up in the air. She nodded to Elijah as she left, "Thank you again, Mr. Hamilton."

"Please, just Elijah will do fine."

"Elijah." She smiled to him once more before leaving.

Elizabeth, or who she presumed was Elizabeth, was waiting by the door for her. She waved Millicent over before starting down the long hallway. Millicent stumbled after her, and tried not to drop the tray as they hurried towards the large staircase. She gaped at the sight of it. It was much bigger than the one she had back home. Before she could even set a single foot on it, Elizabeth yanked her to the side. Millicent fumbled with the tray, spilling hot tea on herself.

"Servants don't use the main staircase, Miss Millicent." Elizabeth huffed, as if this were obvious. Millicent peered at the tiny, hidden door to the side that had been opened. "We use the servants stairwell. It leads right into the library. Come along. Watch your head."

Millicent ducked underneath the doorway, following Elizabeth down the long winding stairwell. The only light came from the candles on the wall, and even then it was still to dark to see ahead of her. Finally, Millicent could see a bright light ahead of them. The library. Elizabeth knocked loudly on the door, "Entering with tea." She turned to Millicent and added with a hushed voice. "Always make them aware you are entering. Just in case they are speaking on matters in which they don't want you to hear."

Millicent nodded, blinking as the light from the library blinded her eyes. She set the heavy tray down on the table near the fire, trying to recall what Annabelle had told her. Was it two teaspoons of honey? Or just one? Who was it that wanted the milk? Maybe it was cream....Millicent looked up when someone cleared their throat, feeling flustered. Mr. Theodore Ashton smiled at her, "I always take two teaspoons of honey with my tea."

"Of-of course..." She spooned in the honey. She stood there for a long, awkward moment, trying to decide what she was missing in the other cup.

"Two sugar cubes and a small splash of milk." Mr. Elliot Ashton spoke up.

"Ah, yes. Thank you." Millicent put the sugar and milk in his tea, clasping her hands. "Will that be all?"

"Actually." Mr. Elliot Ashton waved her over. "I have wanted to speak with you, Miss Thorne."

"Oh?" She fingered the hem of her sleeve.

"Yes, it's about your uniform. You haven't been properly fitted for one yet, I see." He stroked his long, gray beard.

"No, sir."

"Well, I intend to fix that today. Have you met Miss Jane?"

She and Mr. Theodore Ashton shared a look. She was the girl from last night who had caught Mr. Evans during one of his seizures. Millicent nodded slightly. "Yes. Only once."

"She is a good seamstress. I will ask her to make you a uniform this afternoon." Mr. Elliot picked up his tea, taking a small sip. "I've also read your application papers. I noticed you don't have much of a background in anything."

Millicent could feel her hands shaking. She clutched her dress to make them stop. "I haven't had a single job until now. You have given me great privilege, letting me work here and I thank you for that."

Mr. Elliot Ashton nodded thoughtfully. "Hm, very well. You may go now."

Millicent curtsied to them both before leaving, her heart pounding in her chest. She leaned against the door, trying to calm her nerves. She couldn't let anyone ever know of her past. It was just horrible thinking about it. Millicent felt shivers running down her arms. They couldn't ever know, especially if it cost her the only job she had.

Copyright © 2016 by Rosanna Parker

All Rights Reserved

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