Chapter Twelve

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Millicent awoke the next day, happiness overflowing her senses. She wiggled her toes underneath her covers and smiled. Theodore said she wouldn't have to work today. Today was the day of the ball and she couldn't contain her excitement. Millicent yanked back her covers and quickly dressed in her simple green day dress. She found Theodore sitting in the library, where he was each morning. He looked up from his book and smiled at her. "Good morning, love. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you." Millicent kneeled before his feet, crossing her arms over his legs. She rested her head on her arms and closed her eyes.

"What are you doing?" He laughed, nudging her head with his book.

She smiled and batted his hand away. "I missed you."

"It's only been a few hours, love."

"I know." She smiled up at him. "I enjoy having the day off, Theodore, but I feel guilty that the others don't have the day off as well."

"I'm sure they understand." Theodore took her hand in his. "Besides, after you're my wife, I'm firing you."

Millicent laughed and sat up. "You're terrible."

A loud knock sounded on the servants door and Annabelle burst into the room. She grabbed Millicent's hand and shrieked. "Is it true?!"

"Is what true, Annabelle?"

Annabelle glanced at Theodore, raising her eyebrow. "You are getting married, right?"

"Um...yes...."Millicent felt bashful admitting it out loud. She could hardly believe it herself. She had promised never to let any man get so close to her in a romantic way ever again. Yet here she was, getting ready to marry one of the richest men out south. Millicent grabbed Theodore's hand for comfort and smiled at Annabelle. "Theodore asked me to marry him."

Annabelle squealed in delight. "This is exciting! I must go tell the other girls!"

Millicent groaned, watching Annabelle scurry off to go spread her new gossip. Theodore kissed her fingertips. "It will be fine, love. I don't mind if they know."

"But I might." She pulled her hand away.

Theodore studied her face, fingering a strand of her dark hair. "Millie, if you're having doubts about this, maybe we shouldn't get married so soon."

"I'm not having doubts. I just..." Millicent shook her head, knowing that she was lying to herself. Of course she would have doubts about this. Why did she think she could accept the thought of marriage again with such ease? "I need time, Theodore, to trust myself to make these kinds of decisions. It's not that I doubt your ability to be a good husband."

"I'll tell you what. I want you to think on this for a while. If you don't think you are ready to marry....we can break off the engagement."

"Theodore..." Millicent looked at him, studying his eyes. They weren't a ice cold blue this time. They were like an ocean, calming and serene. She sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, love. I can't be happy unless you are."

Millicent nodded and let her hand slip from his when he stood up and went to the door. She knew the words he had said, and they sounded convincing. His body language said different with the way his muscles were tense and how his shoulders were set. She could see that she had mad him angry....frustrated even. Just because she couldn't make a decision about what she wanted. But how could she ever know? After her troubles with Andrew, how could she make herself trust again?

"I will see you tonight, Millicent." Theodore closed the door firmly behind him.

She cried after he was gone, wiping her face with the back of her hands. He didn't say he would see her soon. Not in a few minutes, not for lunch or sometime during dinner. He would see her only tonight. Because he was angry at her. Millicent curled her fingers into fists, stifling another sob. Stop it, Millicent. Pull yourself together. She got to her feet and almost left through the main library door. Millicent hesitated before turning on her heel. She went through the servants door this time.

Copyright © 2016 by Rosanna Parker

All Rights Reserved

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