Chapter Twenty Two

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Millicent woke with a start, a hand cupped around her mouth. She gave out a muffled scream, realizing to late she had forgotten to lock her door. Why had she been so careless? Millicent struggled against who was pinning her down. She couldn't see in the darkness of the room.

A breathy voice whispered in her ear, "Shh...Millie it's me."

Her breath got caught in her throat. Her screams turned into sobs. Oh no no no no. This couldn't be happening. Millicent shoved at the man and he finally released her, "Get out!"

"Shhh!" Andrew leaned forward, covering her mouth with his hand. "I just came to see if you were all right."

"In the middle of the night?!" Millicent scrambled back against the headboard.

"You were sleeping before now." he explained, tugging her off of the bed.

"Get out, Andrew. Get out of my room!" she shoved him towards the doorway.

He didn't budge, no matter how hard she tried. Instead, he grabbed her face with both hands and pressed his lips to hers. Millicent stood there stunned and terrified. She couldn't believe what was happening. It was just like that night years ago....Millicent snapped out of her daze and bit down on his lip, tasting blood.

He yanked himself away from her and growled, shoving her against the wall. "Why are you always refusing me?!"

Millicent tried to scream, but he had his arm against her throat. She couldn't breath. She clawed at his arm, "Andrew..."

He grabbed her hands and pressed her arms above her head, making her immobile. He kissed her roughly again, making her tremble in fear. Millicent twisted away and screamed loudly. Andrew smacked her across the face and shook her. "Shut up!"

She tried to twist away, the motion tearing at the dress fabric at her shoulder. Andrew shoved her roughly to the ground just as the door to her room was kicked opened. A very angry Theodore and Mr. Thorne stood there, looking at the scene before them. Theodore rushed over to her, helping her to her feet, "Are you okay, Millicent?"

She nodded, shoving up the drooping dress sleeve. She glared at Andrew through blurry tears, "You're despicable. I want you to leave!"

"Millie..." he reached out to her.

Millicent's father grabbed his arm and shoved him towards the door. "Out. Now, Andrew."

"But our deal..."Andrew began to say.

"Is off." her father finished.

Andrew snarled at him, "This isn't finished. I'm not done with her yet..."

Millicent watched in shock as Andrew flew back, landing on the ground. Theodore stood over him, breathing heavily. His eyes looked wicked and fierce. Andrew rubbed his jaw, and Millicent realized then that Theodore had punched him. Theodore unclenched his fist and pointed at Andrew, "You stay away from her, you hear?!"

Andrew smirked and clambered to his feet, "So is this your new lover Millie dear? Just can't keep your hands off the rich men, can you?"

Millicent stormed over and slapped him across the face. She sobbed, "You have no come here and tell me what I am. You took advantage of me."

Her father looked at her in shock, "This has happened before?"

Andrew turned to her father, mischief in his eyes, "She never told you?"

"Told me what, Millie? What is he talking about?"

Millicent ducked her head, "Just leave, Andrew."

Andrew readjusted his jacket as if to preserve some sort of dignity and turned on his heel. Millicent watched him walk down the hallway, hating that she had been taken advantage of once again by the same man. Theodore turned to her and touched her swollen cheek lightly, "I'll go and get you some ice."

Millicent nodded. She wanted to say something, but the words were stuck in her throat. Theodore left her alone with her father, who was looking more confused by the moment. He rubbed his eyes, "What was he talking about Millie? What are you keeping from me?"

"Father...Andrew didn't just abuse me. He...did other things as well." she stumbled looking for the right words to say. Her father shook his head, not understanding. "I'm...I'm not a virgin anymore because of that man."

A murderous look entered her father's eyes. "What?!"

Millicent shrugged, looking down at her feet. "I guess you could call it rape or whatever..."

"No. No it was rape." her father grabbed her shoulders. "Why did you tell me? I never would have let him come back."

"I didn't think you would believe me." Millicent cried.

Her father wrapped her in a warm hug. "You're my daughter. Of course I would have believed you."

Millicent hugged him back, sobbing, "I'm so sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry for, my sweet girl."

"I love you, father."

"I love you as well, my sweet little Millie."

Copyright © 2016 by Rosanna Parker

All Rights Reserved

So yeah....this chapter. I really have nothing to say. It speaks for itself. Please vote and give me your comments about it.


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