Chapter Twenty One

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illicent sat on the edge of her bed, feeling breathless. She couldn't believe it. Theodore Ashton was here. In this house. After so long of trying to avoid him....and now he was so close. So close it hurt.

"Millie dear, are you alright?" her father's voice broke through her worried thoughts.

He was carrying her bag in and setting it on the edge of the bed. Millicent smiled, "Yes father, just tired is all."

"You've been acting odd, Millie. It's worrying me." he said taking her hand.

"No I'm fine, really. Go get some rest, father." she released his hand.

He nodded and reluctantly left her room, gently closing the door behind him. Millicent walked over and locked the door to keep out unwanted visitors in the night, namely Andrew. She slipped out of her heavy day dress and into her nightgown. She didn't feel much like unpacking what little she had brought with her. Instead, she slipped under the sweet smelling covers and fell asleep.


The next morning, all of the visitors at Millicent's grandmothers house were supposed to share the large dining room. It was mainly family with a few close friends or those like Theodore who knew her in their childhood. Millicent had luckily been placed at the table far away from Theodore. Instead, she had to sit across from Andrew. She tried to ignore his staring or attempts to start a conversation. But he was insistent on getting her attention.

"Millie, how are you faring?" he asked again. "Your father mentioned you looking ill last night."

Millicent turned to him sharply, "Would you mind keeping to your own affairs?"

She swiftly stood up from the table, annoyed with the Duke, and hurried from the room. She marched up the stairs to her grandmother's room and slipped inside, "Grandmother you won't believe what happened...." She began to start on her angry rant about the Duke. Millicent froze in her steps. "Grandmother?"

She shuffled forward and gently pressed her hand to her grandmother's wrist, checking for a pulse. There wasn't one. Millicent shook her, tears making her vision blurry, "Grandmother!"

She wasn't waking up. Millicent buried her face in the soft quilts, sobbing. Just then she heard the door burst open. Theodore stood there, looking at the scene. "Oh, Millicent..."

Millicent lifted her tear-streaked face and sniffled, "She's grandmother is gone..."

Theodore came over and wrapped his arms around her, letting her sob into his shoulder. He stroked her hair, "Shhh, it's okay. It's going to be okay."

"Why didn't she live longer?" Millicent cried.

"She was old, Millie. It was her time to go." Theodore pulled back and brushed away some of her tears with his thumb. He smiled sweetly at her, only making her heart constrict more. She had missed seeing that smile. He helped her to her feet, his arm still tightly squeezing her shoulder. "Do you want to go outside? The fresh air might do you good."

Millicent nodded, wiping her nose on her sleeve. As they were leaving the room, her father and uncle came running up the stairs. Her father saw her face and reached over to give her a hug. "She's gone isn't she, sweetheart? We heard you scream from upstairs so we came to see and...I'm so sorry, my sweet girl."

Millicent nodded, feeling weak. She laughed a little. "She was a good woman. I'm glad that I got to be her granddaughter."

Theodore reached over, handing her his handkerchief. He nodded to Mr. Thorne and Mr. Beattle. "I was just escorting Miss Thorne outside. She looked like she needed some fresh air."

"Thank you, Mr...Ashton was it?" her father nodded to him. "Now if you will excuse me, I need to pay my respects."

"Of course, sir." Theodore said, taking Millicent's arm. "Come along, Millie."

Millicent followed him outside and took in a deep breath of frosty air. She could feel the mist on her skin and saw the dew on the grass. It was a lovely and terrible morning all at once. She reached for Theodore's arm. "Are you sad?"

"Of course. Not as sad as you, I'm sure. She was your grandmother. She was family to you." he said, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. He pulled away suddenly as if remembering he wasn't supposed to be treating her that way anymore. He sighed, tucking his hands into his pockets. "But she was a good woman. I'll miss her for sure."

Millicent nodded. They stood in the silence of the morning, listening to the early birds chirp and twitter. It gave her a sense of peace she hadn't felt in a long time. She wanted to keep it that way forever.


The funeral took place that very evening. Her casket had already been prepared weeks before, knowing that it was almost her time. Everything went smoothly and quickly. Millicent said a quick, silent prayer, hoping that her mother and grandmother would be together again. And then they lowered the casket. It was a sad sight to see, but Millicent felt slightly better knowing her grandmother had passed on peacefully.

On their way back, Andrew kept trying to comfort her, but she pushed him away, "I want you to leave me alone, Andrew."

"I just want to make you feel better," he explained, reaching out for her.

Millicent hurried down the hill away from him and towards the large expanse of forest. She stood there silently, letting the wind ruffle her hair. She was tired of Andrew. Why had her father let him come along? He wanted to comfort her so she would grow to like him. But that wouldn't ever happen. She just wanted him to stay away so she could morn in peace.

"Millicent, my love. Just listen..." Andrew said behind her, out of breath. He swiftly pulled her into a hug. "I just want you to know I'm here for you during these hard times and..."

Millicent elbowed him harshly in the stomach and stomped on his foot. Andrew let go of her, bending over in pain. She clenched her fists. "The only thing you can do to make me feel better is to leave me alone! Go away!"

"What's going on here? Millicent?" Theodore came walking towards them, looking concerned.

Millicent looked at the both of them, her emotions tumbling through her. She took a step back. "Both of you...just leave me alone!"

She turned and frantically stumbled back to her grandmother's house. She didn't stop running until she was locked up in her bedroom, away from everyone and away from all of her emotions. She buried her face in her pillow, trying to even her breathing. Eventually, she fell into a heavy sleep.

Copyright © 2016 by Rosanna Park

All Rights Reserved

This was just a filler chapter so...sorry about that! I promise it will get better really soon! Please vote and/or comment. I always appreciate helpful input!


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