Chapter Twenty Three

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"Here, hold this on your face," Theodore pressed the ice block wrapped in a cloth to her cheek.

"Thank you." Millicent looked down at her bare toes.

She was sitting in the damp dark kitchen next to a pale lamp light. Her face was aching, but she was glad Andrew was gone. Theodore looked up at her with his blue eyes. His look could have melted her on the spot if she were ice. It sent shivers up her arms.

"I can't believe he came back." he said.

"My father wanted me to marry him." she explained. "He didn't know the whole story."

"Ah. I see." Theodore replied awkwardly.

"Look I really..." - "Millie I wanted to..." they both said at the same time.

Theodore laughed quietly underneath his breath, "You first."

Millicent bit her lip, "I just...I'm really sorry Theodore. I've never gotten to apologize and..."

"No," he rested his hand on her arm. "I should be the one apologizing. I judged you for something you couldn't control."

She shrugged and ducked her head. "Sorry."

"I'm sorry too." he lifted her chin so that she would face him. Her breath got caught in her throat as he studied her lips. He laughed and leaned forward slightly. "No matter how hard I try...I can never seem to forget about you Millie."

Millicent smiled, looking into his eyes. She had forgotten how much she had missed his company. And his kisses. They were different from Andrew's. Andrew's were harsh and rough and lustful. Theodore was gentle and loving. She wanted to remember, so she leaned forward, mustering up all of her bravery...and kissed him.

Theodore seemed slightly surprised at her straightforwardness, but he didn't pull away. Instead he returned the kiss, making her feel breathless. His finger's tangled themselves up in her hair. He pulled away, his breathing was rapid, "Millicent, I think I'm still in love with you."

She laughed against his lips, "Maybe just a little bit."

He pressed another kiss to her lips before pulling away, "You could come back with me, Millie. We could still get married. If you want."

Millicent pulled away in shock. "So soon? But...I don't know Theodore."

"Why not?" he asked huskily, tugging on one of her brown curls. He kissed her lips again, trying to persuade her. "Why not Millie? I want you to be with me."

"I'm not sure I'm ready. What if I'm not a good wife?" she asked worrying her lip.

"You would be a perfect wife. I wouldn't be asking you if I didn't think that, Millie," he said, kissing her neck up to her perfect little mouth.

She laughed and pushed him away, "Stop distracting me."

"Am I really that distracting?" he asked, smiling handsomely. He kissed her passionately, making her lose her breath. "Maybe I want you distracted so you'll say yes."

"Well, I already have my answer. Your kisses won't change my decision." she pulled away, a sly smile on her face.

"Then...will you marry me Miss Millicent Thorne?"

"Yes. I will." Millicent grabbed his collar and pulled him for a kiss. "Forever and ever a million yes's."

"I thought you would never say it."

Copyright © 2016 by Rosanna Parker

All Rights Reserved

I know this chapter was really short but I didn't want to ruin this moment by writing more. I'm just going to let it sit and be it's own thing. Please please vote and/or comment. Thanks guys!


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