Chapter Twenty Seven

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"He's not back yet, Annabelle," Millicent said, wringing her hands. She paced the quiet sitting room. "He should be back."

"Maybe he is just really busy." Annabelle suggested weakly.

"He would have told me." Millicent said, turning to the window. She wanted to see her husband walking up to the front door. She wanted him to come in, rushing to her arms, apologizing for staying out too late. But he wasn't there. She raked her fingers through her curls. "I need to go and find him."

"Millie no. It's bad for your health." Annabelle insisted, gesturing for her to sit down. "Please. Let's just wait."

"I've waited all day and he's not here. I'm worried." Millicent donned her bonnet and cloak. She turned to Annabelle. "I'm going to my father for help."

"Be careful."

"I will."

Millicent shut the front door firmly behind her and started towards the stables. She strapped a saddle onto her horse, Bunny. She guided it outside and swung herself up. She clicked her tongue, urging Bunny forwards. The horse started into a gallop, racing towards her father's home. She showed up at his door looking slightly disheveled and breathless. She knocked loudly, feeling frantic. Her father eased the door open in surprise, "Millie? My dear what is wrong?"

"Theodore's gone missing! Father I need your help. You need to find him." Millicent grasped her father's arms in fear.

"Come and sit down Millicent. Tell me what happened." Her father pulled her inside.

She took a seat in his library and shook her head. "I woke up this morning and he was gone. I thought Theodore might have had some business in town but...he never came back!"

"You're sure? Did he speak with you before he left?"

"No." She shook her head. "Please, just go out and look for him. I'm afraid."

"Don't be my dear. I'll round up some of my friends and we will search for him. I'm sure the lad just got lost in the woods on his way home." Her father patted her hand in reassurance.

Millicent sat there like a frozen statue. Theodore wouldn't have gotten lost in the woods he had known his whole life. No. Something else was amiss. Something sinister.


Theodore struggled against the ropes tying him down as he was thrown about in the wagon. The road was shaky and the wheels didn't fare well. His head had a few bruises from hitting it on the sides. It was a huge relief when they finally stopped after hours of travel.

"This is far enough." He heard the Duke's voice announce. "We can dump his body here."

His words made Theodore's body seize up in fear. They meant to kill him surely. And he could do nothing as he was dragged from the wagon by the two men. Andrew secured a bag of heavy rocks to his feet before the hefted him over to the rushing river. Theodore's eyes grew wide as the other man gagged him.

"Oh don't look so afraid. Drowning is half bad. We could do much worse." Andrew laughed. He leaned forward, looking into Theodore's eyes. "But we only need you dead. I think the sight of your dead body floating down the river will be enough of a sight for Millie. Now help me out John. On the count of three. One...two...three..."

They swung Theodore into the river and his body was covered in the cold, dark water, sucking the breath out of him. He struggled against the rocks weighing him down and the ropes the restricting his movements. He couldn't die now and leave Millicent. But she was becoming a faded memory as his vision started to darken until he could no longer feel or see anything. Everything had turned into a black oblivion.

Copyright © 2016 by Rosanna Parker

All Rights Reserved

I haven't been updating as recently as I have liked with school starting up again and all of that! I hope this chapter will satisfy your needs for now. I promise to write more later for you! I know a lot of you are wanting to have Millicent dish out her revenge on Andrew at some point. You'll just have to wait and see if that happens! For now I would appreciate it if you could vote and comment if you loved this chapter! Thank you fellow readers/authors! ❤️


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