Chapter Twenty Six

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Theodore woke up suddenly to someone placing a gag over his mouth. He struggled against his bindings on his hands and feet. Terror overtook him. What was happening? Was Millicent safe? He would never forgive himself if she got hurt. He was dragged from his room and outside of the house. He breathed a sigh of relief, realizing Millicent wasn't with him. She was safe in the house, sleeping.

A voice whispered quietly in his ear, "If you so much as make a noise or struggle, I can promise that Millicent will most definitely be hurt."

Theodore nodded, trying to show he understood. The man stepped away from him and into the moonlight. Theodore had to stop himself from snarling. It was the Duke, His Grace, Andrew Williams. He folds his arms and snickered down at Theodore, "Getting back directly at Millicent seems to never work. So I figured kidnapping her husband would make her pay."

Theodore shook his head in confusion. Make her pay for what? She had never done anything to Andrew except resisted his advances. Was this really worth getting revenge over? Andrew apparently thought so.

Andrew waved at someone in the dark, "Put him in the wagon, John. We need to get to the river."

He get someone pulling at him before they gave up. The other man who looked very similar to Andrew stepped away, "He needs to walk in order for me to move him. We have to untie his legs."

"Fine. Just do whatever you need to." Andrew said impatiently, walking away.

Theodore gulped in fear as his legs were cut loose so he could stand. As he was lead to the wagon and climbed in, terrible thoughts plagued him. What would they do to him when they reached the river? They would probably drown him. After all, if he was out of the picture....Andrew would get to marry Millicent. That thought made him sicker than the idea of drowning.


Millicent woke up early in the morning, stretching her arms above her head. She looked beside her. Theodore was already awake. It would probably be best if she got up as well. They still had plenty of work to do on the house and she needed to be by his side helping.

When Millicent stood up, she felt wobbly and sick. She immediately grabbed the chamber pot and emptied her stomach of its contents. Annabelle must have heard her retching because she hurried into the room, looking concerned.

Annabelle rubbed her back reassuringly, "What's wrong, Millicent?"

Millicent shook her head, "I don't know. I just felt so dizzy and...then I got sick."

A sly smile lit her friends face, "Millicent, have you had your cycle yet?"

Millicent thought back on it, "Now that you mention it, I haven't. Why?"

"Don't you know what this means?!" Annabelle hugged her friend tightly.

"No." Millicent said weakly, not understanding.

"Your pregnant Millie! You're going to have a baby!"

"What?! Really?" Millie pulled away from her friend to touch her stomach. She smiled at the idea of having a child growing inside of her. Theodore's and her child. Their child. "When should I tell him?"

"Oh I don't know. Keep it a surprise." Annabelle smiled.

"Where is my husband this early in the morning?" Millicent asked.

"I haven't seen him. Maybe he's in town?" Annabelle suggested.

"He should have said something to me," Millicent said in a worried voice.

"Oh don't worry about Mr. Ashton. I'm sure he's fine." Annabelle reassured her.

Millicent could only hope so.

Copyright © 2016 by Rosanna Parker

All Rights Reserved

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