Chapter Ten

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Theodore smiled at the sight of Millicent and Jane. They were both sleeping across from him as the stagecoach made its way back to his manor. Who knew that dress shopping could tire out women so much? Back at the shop, seeing Millicent in that satin blue dress had taken his breath away. She had seemed so flawless and beautiful in it with her curls tumbling down her face. He couldn't figure out what it was about her that he adored so much. Theodore hoped the ball would distract him from her. After all, she was only a housemaid.

The coach pulled to a stop and Theodore shook Jane awake. "Jane? Jane, are you awake?"

Jane peeked her eyes open and shook her head as if trying to shake away the sleepiness. "Yes, here let me take the box up to Millicent's room."

Theodore helped her from the stagecoach before handing her the box. He reached over and shook Millicent by the shoulder. She shook her head and only curled up tighter. He sighed in frustration. "Millicent...Millie come on..."

"No..." Millicent whined, batting his hand away.

"Fine then. I guess I'll have to carry you in."

When she didn't respond, Theodore gathered her into his arms and pulled her from the carriage. He nodded his thanks to the driver before following Jane up to the manor. Mr. Evans opened the door for them, peering at Millicent. "Is she hurt?"

"No...just stubborn and tired." Theodore smiled, edging his way past the old man. "Come along, Jane."

Jane nodded and scurried after him with the box as they climbed the stairs to Millicent's room. Jane popped open the door and set the box on the chair near Millicent's vanity. Theodore placed Millicent on her bed. Jane removed her boots and pulled up the covers, tucking them around her chin. Millicent smiled and snuggled down into them further. Theodore caught his hand before it had the chance to reach out,and brush away a stray strand of hair across her forehead. He clenched his fingers into a fist and moved towards the door. To Jane he said, "Make sure she is up early next morning to help with cleaning."

"Yes, sir." Jane nodded to him.

Satisfied, he left them for his own room downstairs. His chest burned from the leftover sensation of Millicent resting against him. He ignored it, pulling off his shoes. He was acting ridiculous. A loud knock sounded on his bedchamber door. "You may come in."

His father burst through the door, his arms crossed. His blue eyes were stormy and his expression spoke of only business. "What is the meaning of this?! Gallivanting around the town with that Thorne girl? Ridiculous! You have responsibilities here! You can not just neglect you duties whenever you feel like it!"

"I'll make it up to you, father."

His father stormed over and grabbed his collar, slapping him in the face. He pointed his old, bony finger at him. "You do not disobey me!"

Theodore kept his gaze away from his father. He had always hated the man for abusing him like this. Even if he was strong enough to fight back, he couldn't hurt his own father like that. When his father raised his hand again this time, Theodore grabbed his arm, stopping him. "You listen to me, father. One day, I am to be master of this estate. I can make my own decisions as a grown man about what I will do. You do not need to shepard me around like a child. Do you understand?"

His father was shaking in anger, but Theodore could see in his father's eyes that he knew he had finally lost. He lowered his hand. "You arrogant little brat."

Theodore stood up, gesturing to the door. "If you have finished ranting like a tempered child, I would like to ask you to leave."

The door slammed behind his father and Theodore let out a breath of relief. He had smelled the whisky on his father's breath. He always drank himself mad when his mother was out with other men. Tonight must have been another one of those nights. His father most likely said something rude or harsh to his mother and she scurried off to go have fun at the taverns. Theodore threw his shirt to the ground in disgust. His parents were always fighting, ever since he was a young boy. He hardly ever saw his mother these days and when he did, she was always drinking herself silly in the kitchen. Theodore climbed into his large bed and burrowed deep down into the covers. He wanted to ignore the bad things surrounding him, but they were always there, haunting him.

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