Chapter 1

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Ava's Pov:

"Hurry up, you're going to be late!" My mother yells from the other side of the house, panicking and rushing up and down the staircase every two minutes.

"Mom, my first class starts at eleven thirty, and it's six fifteen right now, it's only a two and a half hour drive, I will be fine on time!" I scream back, noticing my mom entering my room giving me the realization that I didn't need to scream after all. "Stop freaking out." I said slowly, giving her time to process what those words actually mean.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She says, sitting on the edge of my neatly made bed and burying her hands in her face. "I'm just so nervous and sad, I'm going to miss my baby so much!"

"I know, I will miss you too." I say while I finish packing all my clothes into two suitcases and a backpack, double checking everything and then rechecking it again to make sure I am absolutely prepared for everything that is coming my way. "You're stressing me out." I groan, looking over at my mom who is practically breathing on my neck.

"Sorry, sorry." She keeps apologizing, shaking her head back and forth and pacing around my room before I point to the door, gesturing her to exit, and after a minute she finally does, giving me some time to think for myself.

I go through a two page list of everything I should of packed, checking everything off the list. Once I am one hundred percent sure I have everything I need, I give a long last look at my childhood bedroom before I leave my room, slowly closing the door. It's funny that the realization never hit me until now that I'm leaving my past and entering adulthood. It excites me and scares me at the same time, but mostly it makes me sad that I'm growing it.

I know that everybody as a young ten or eleven year old just can't wait to be nineteen years old, but once it happens it isn't as fun as you would think it would be. It kind of sucks, actually. I walk quietly down the stairs, looking at every picture hanging along the walls. It takes me two trips before I actually get all my luggage into my car.

"I love you so much." My mom says, wrapping her arms around me and resting her chin on my shoulder, silently crying and hugging me tighter, squeezing her eyes shut as if that would make me stay and not leave to go to CCSD.

"Don't cry." I say, pulling away from my mom and starting to tear up. "I will visit every so often. You should come down to San Diego sometime, I'm sure it's going to be gorgeous." I attempt to cheer her up, giving her a weak but not very convincing smile.

After we say our goodbyes and mom promises me that she will have dad call me once he is back from his business trip in Vegas, I climb into my car, starting it up and pulling out of the driveway before my mom waves me down and I stop, rolling down the window.

"Call me." She says, her face soaked in tears. "Everyday."

"I will." I smile, leaning in and giving her a awkward hug through the window, placing a small kiss on her cheek and driving off.

After about fourty five minutes of driving, I pull off of the freeway to get some gas and some lemonade and pretzels. I head into the store, the cool air conditioning refreshing my body and waking me up.

"Hello, how are you today?" The middle aged lady behind the cashier greets, smiling at me. She's wearing a pretty blue dress that brings out the color of her eyes, and for some reason she gives me some sort of odd comfort.

"Good, how are you?" I ask back politely, and before she can answer I put my bottle of lemonade and my bag of pretzels on the counter, shoving it towards her.

"Eager, are we?" She chuckles lightly, looking up at me before she looks back down, scanning the items and telling me my total and I shuffle through my purse, pulling out my credit card.

"Sorry." I laugh, "I'm on my way to college. First day." I shutter, excitement clear in my voice.

"ID?" She asks me before adding, "Oh, what college?"

"CCSD." I smile, taking the bag from her that has my goodies in it. I decide I shouldn't waste anymore time so I cut her off from saying something about her son, giving her a small thanks and exiting the store before reaching my car once more and driving towards San Diego.

"Beep." My phone alerts me. I quickly look down at my phone, seeing it's from my mom, and even though I shouldn't I decide to open the text.

"I miss you already. Xoxo."  Smiling, a honk from behind me startles me and jolts me back into reality that the light that was red turned green.

I'm really nervous. No, I'm excited. Who am I going to hang out with? What if people don't like me? I'm going to be late. I'm fine on time. What if my teachers hate me? What if my room mate is lesbian? What if I'm lesbian?

Wait, what? Stop over thinking, Ava.

A hour and fifteen minutes of long, tiring driving before I finally pull up into the parking lot of CCSD. It's already packed, and my stomach twists in anxiety. I have to give myself a five minute pep talk before I finally have the courage to get out of my car and grab one of my suitcases, deciding that I'll grab the other one later once I've figured everything out.

I wait in a long, long line before I get to the front, receiving my dorm number. It is about a three minute walk to the dorms from the parking lot, and when I finally enter the giant apartment like building and head down the hall way, scanning for my number, I feel like I'm going to throw up from all the butterflies in my stomach.

89E is what the door number reads, I reach inside my purse and pull out the key, unlocking the door and stepping inside.

"Hi." A blonde haired, small shaped girl says, her voice soft and her back facing me. She gets up from her position, turning around to face me. Her smile disappears and her eyes lower, a shocked expression taking over her features.

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