Chapter 12

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Ava's Pov:

It was the next day, Wednesday, the day that the party that Harry invited me to was going on. After I had talked with Louis and Harry and went back to my dorm not much happened besides the fact that I told Lily that I was going to the party and she disagreed with my decision, like usual. However she demanded that she went to the party if I went, so I found that kind of ironic but I was feeling more comfortable about going now that she was going to be there. She also informed me that Niall, Liam, and Miranda are going too.

I was sitting in my last period class, thinking to myself about how quickly the day had come to an end. I was surprised, and kind of uneasy about the fact that time had passed by so suddenly and the party would be starting in only a few hours. I had never been that 'party animal' person that most highschoolers are now a days, so to be completely honest I was nervous to go to the party. The bell snapped me back into focus and I raced out of my classroom, shoving through the crowd of people in attempt to find someone I knew before I got trampled.

Unfortunately, after searching aimlessly around in attempt to find specifically Lily, I gave up and headed back towards my dorm room. Stepping inside, I realized why I couldn't find anyone I knew. Liam, Niall, Miranda and Lily were all cramped into our small space as I navigated my way past them, climbing onto my bed breathlessly.

"Hey, Ava." Lily smiled her signature smile, I swear that girl was never frowning unless the topic was involved with Louis somehow. She was lying on her bed, upside down and I could tell she had been in that position for awhile by now because her face was being to turn bright red from her blood flow.

"You're going to get a headache." I informed her, laughing as she sat up, letting the impact settle in before she held her head, cursing under her breath.

"What's up? What took you so long, Ava? We have been waiting here for hours." Niall looked at me sarcastically and I threw a pillow at him but ended up hitting Liam instead. "Sorry." I giggled at Niall who was sticking out his tongue at me. Although I was eighteen and the youngest one in the room, I was surprised by how immature we all were. But I didn't mind, I enjoyed acting like I was twelve years old.

Miranda cleared her throat, "So, Ava." She said in a serious tone, breaking all of our laughs as we turned out attention to her, "Are you actually going to take up Harry's offer to go to this party?" She asked as if I hadn't already told her a thousand times that I was for sure, one hundred percent, going no matter how much she tried to convince me otherwise.

"Yes," I said, tired of answer her same question over and over, "you are coming too, right?" Just to clarify, I scanned my eyes over the crowded room looking slowly and each individual. Everybody gave me a slow but unsure nod, but when I landed on Miranda she shook her head 'no'.

"Why?" I whined, wiggling around in my bed. "Please, come." I said, begging Miranda in an annoying, high pitched voice in attempt to irritate her enough until she finally gave it to my complains. She shook her head again and I looked at Liam, Niall, and Lily silently hoping for someone to back me up on this.

"Well," Lily began, shifting uneasily on her bed, her hands still rubbing her temples, "I think one party wouldn't hurt. Right, Niall?" She said, a look of uncertainty in her eyes as she looked towards Niall for help.

"Right." Thankfully, Niall sounded more convincing then Lily did, and Liam silently agreed by nodding his head in the background, "Come on, Miranda. You've been to many parties before, why is this one any different then the rest? I'm sure it won't be as bad as the others." He pointed out, looking at her but she turned away from us, staring at the floor.

"I don't know guys," she sighed, picking at her nails, "I mean, Louis is going to be there..." She began, and that brought up the question in my mind about why she disliked Louis so much. I mean, I dislike Louis too, but I have a clear reason and I was kind of curious as to what her excuse was.

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